# Copyright (C) 2022 rank-math # This file is distributed under the same license as the rank-math package. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: rank-math\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language-Team: Rank Math\n" "Last-Translator: Rank Math\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-02 15:12+0000\n" "Project-Id-Version: undefined\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_x:1,2c;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #. translators: WordPress Version msgid "You are using the outdated WordPress, please update it to version %s or higher." msgstr "" #. translators: PHP Version msgid "Rank Math requires PHP version %s or above. Please update PHP to run this plugin." msgstr "" msgid "Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Setup Wizard" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Bold text 2. Bold text msgid "%1$s A filter to remove the Rank Math data from the database is present. Deactivating & Deleting this plugin will remove everything related to the Rank Math plugin. %2$s" msgstr "" msgid "CAUTION:" msgstr "" msgid "This action is IRREVERSIBLE." msgstr "" msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "" msgid "Once Weekly" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math" msgstr "" #. translators: %s is a Rank Math link. msgid "Powered by %s" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Score" msgstr "" msgid "Home" msgstr "" #. translators: Archive title #. translators: placeholder msgid "Archives for %s" msgstr "" #. translators: Search query term #. translators: placeholder msgid "Results for %s" msgstr "" msgid "404 Error: page not found" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the site title. msgid "[%s] An update is available for Rank Math" msgstr "" msgid "Hello," msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the site URL. msgid "This is an automated email to let you know that there is an update available for the Rank Math SEO plugin installed on: %s" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the new admin page URL. msgid "To ensure your site is always on the latest, most up-to-date version of Rank Math - we recommend logging into the admin area to update the plugin as soon as possible: %s" msgstr "" msgid "If you have any questions or experience any issues – our support team is at your disposal:" msgstr "" msgid "https://support.rankmath.com/" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math Team" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math Free" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholders are the old and new version numbers. msgid "%1$s: Old %2$s -> New %3$s | Changelog: %4$s" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math SEO" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math Dashboard" msgstr "" msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "" msgid "Homepage SEO" msgstr "" msgid "Edit Homepage SEO Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Pages" msgstr "" #. translators: Post Type Singular Name #. translators: Taxonomy Singular Name msgid "SEO Settings for %s" msgstr "" msgid "Edit default SEO settings for this post type" msgstr "" msgid "Edit SEO settings for this archive page" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Settings for Date Archives" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Settings for Search Page" msgstr "" msgid "Edit SEO settings for the search results page" msgstr "" msgid "Mark this page" msgstr "" msgid "As Pillar Content" msgstr "" msgid "As NoIndex" msgstr "" msgid "As NoFollow" msgstr "" msgid "External Tools" msgstr "" msgid "Google PageSpeed" msgstr "" msgid "Google PageSpeed Insights" msgstr "" msgid "Google Mobile-Friendly" msgstr "" msgid "Google Mobile-Friendly Test" msgstr "" msgid "Google Rich Results (Mobile)" msgstr "" msgid "Google Rich Results Test - Googlebot Smartphone" msgstr "" msgid "Google Rich Results (Desktop)" msgstr "" msgid "Google Rich Results Test - Googlebot Desktop" msgstr "" msgid "Google Cache" msgstr "" msgid "See Google's cached version of your site" msgstr "" msgid "Facebook Debugger" msgstr "" msgid "Facebook Sharing Debugger" msgstr "" msgid "Modules" msgstr "" msgid "Help" msgstr "" msgid "Import & Export" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math Knowledge Base" msgstr "" msgid "Search Options" msgstr "" msgid "Easy Mode" msgstr "" msgid "Advanced Mode" msgstr "" msgid "None" msgstr "" msgid "Unable to validate Rank Math SEO registration data." msgstr "" msgid "Please try reconnecting." msgstr "" #. translators: KB Link msgid "If the issue persists, please try the solution described in our Knowledge Base article: %s" msgstr "" msgid "[3. Unable to Encrypt]" msgstr "" msgid "Seems like your site URL has changed since you connected to Rank Math." msgstr "" msgid "Click here to reconnect." msgstr "" #. translators: sitename msgid "I just installed @RankMathSEO #WordPress Plugin. It looks great! %s" msgstr "" #. translators: sitename msgid "I just installed Rank Math SEO WordPress Plugin. It looks promising!" msgstr "" msgid "SEO by Rank Math" msgstr "" msgid "Tweet" msgstr "" msgid "Share" msgstr "" #. translators: 1 is "WordPress Address (URL)", 2 is "Site Address (URL)", 3 is a link to the General Settings, with "WordPress General Settings" as anchor text. msgid "Rank Math cannot be connected because your site URL doesn't appear to be a valid URL. If the domain name contains special characters, please make sure to use the encoded version in the %1$s & %2$s fields on the %3$s page." msgstr "" msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "" msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "" msgid "WordPress General Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Help & Support" msgstr "" msgid "Twitter username (without @)" msgstr "" msgid "Facebook profile URL" msgstr "" msgid "The canonical URL you entered does not seem to be a valid URL. Please double check it in the SEO meta box » Advanced tab." msgstr "" msgid "Copy Link URL to Clipboard" msgstr "" msgid "Insert Link in Content" msgstr "" msgid "You are not authorized to perform this action." msgstr "" msgid "Exclusive Offer!" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the plugin name. msgid "Hey, we noticed you've been using %s for more than a week now – that's awesome!" msgstr "" msgctxt "plugin name inside the review notice" msgid "Rank Math SEO" msgstr "" msgid "Could you please do us a BIG favor and give it a rating on WordPress.org to help us spread the word and boost our motivation?" msgstr "" msgid "Co-founder of Rank Math" msgstr "" msgid "Yes, you deserve it" msgstr "" msgid "No, maybe later" msgstr "" msgid "I already did" msgstr "" msgid "Please use the correct format." msgstr "" msgid "This field is required." msgstr "" msgid "Please enter a valid email address." msgstr "" msgid "Please enter a valid URL." msgstr "" #. translators: plugin url msgid "Thank you for using Rank Math" msgstr "" msgid "Insert/edit link" msgstr "" msgid "Update" msgstr "" msgid "Add Link" msgstr "" msgid "(no title)" msgstr "" msgid "No matches found." msgstr "" msgid "Link selected." msgstr "" msgid "Link inserted." msgstr "" msgid "Add rel=\"nofollow\"" msgstr "" msgid "Add rel=\"sponsored\"" msgstr "" msgid "Link Title" msgstr "" msgid "Off" msgstr "" msgid "On" msgstr "" msgid "Snippet" msgstr "" msgid "Specify a maximum text-length, in characters, of a snippet for your page." msgstr "" msgid "Video Preview" msgstr "" msgid "Specify a maximum duration in seconds of an animated video preview." msgstr "" msgid "Image Preview" msgstr "" msgid "Specify a maximum size of image preview to be shown for images on this page." msgstr "" msgid "Large" msgstr "" msgid "Standard" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math Overview" msgstr "" msgid "Latest Blog Posts from Rank Math" msgstr "" msgid "Error: the Rank Math blog feed could not be downloaded." msgstr "" msgid "NEW" msgstr "" msgid "Blog" msgstr "" msgid "(opens in a new window)" msgstr "" msgid "Go Pro" msgstr "" msgid "Import & Export" msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to import settings into Rank Math? Don't worry, your current configuration will be saved as a backup." msgstr "" #. translators: %s is the plugin name. msgid "Are you sure you want to import data from %s?" msgstr "" msgid "Select data to import." msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to restore this backup? Your current configuration will be overwritten." msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this backup?" msgstr "" #. translators: %s is the plugin name. msgid "Are you sure you want erase all traces of %s?" msgstr "" #. translators: Plugin name msgid "Cleanup of %s data successfully done." msgstr "" #. translators: Plugin name msgid "Cleanup of %s data failed." msgstr "" msgid "Action not allowed." msgstr "" msgid "Unable to create backup this time." msgstr "" #. translators: Backup formatted date #. translators: Snapshot formatted date msgid "Backup: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Backup created successfully." msgstr "" msgid "No backup key found to delete." msgstr "" msgid "Backup successfully deleted." msgstr "" msgid "No backup key found to restore." msgstr "" msgid "Backup does not exist." msgstr "" msgid "Backup restored successfully." msgstr "" msgid "Uploaded file could not be read." msgstr "" msgid "Settings successfully imported. Your old configuration has been saved as a backup." msgstr "" msgid "No settings found to be imported." msgstr "" msgid "Settings could not be imported:" msgstr "" msgid "Settings could not be imported: Upload failed." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the post type name. msgid "Rank Math has detected a new post type: %1$s. You may want to check the settings of the Titles & Meta page." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the post type names separated with commas. msgid "Rank Math has detected new post types: %1$s. You may want to check the settings of the Titles & Meta page." msgstr "" msgid "Please activate the WPML String Translation plugin to convert Rank Math Setting values in different languages." msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math Warning: Changing the permalinks on a live, indexed site may result in serious loss of traffic if done incorrectly. Consider adding a new redirection from the old URL format to the new one." msgstr "" msgid "Links" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Change how some of the links open and operate on your website. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Learn More" msgstr "" msgid "Breadcrumbs" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Here you can set up the breadcrumbs function. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Learn more" msgstr "" msgid "Use the following code in your theme template files to display breadcrumbs." msgstr "" msgid "Webmaster Tools" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Enter verification codes for third-party webmaster tools. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Others" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Change some uncommon but essential settings here. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Edit .htaccess" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Edit the contents of your .htaccess file easily. %s." msgstr "" msgid "SEO Settings" msgstr "" msgid "General Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Global Meta" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to KB article msgid "Change Global meta settings that take effect across your website. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Local SEO" msgstr "" #. translators: Redirection page url msgid "Optimize for local searches and Knowledge Graph using these settings. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Use the [rank_math_contact_info] shortcode to display contact information in a nicely formatted way. You should also claim your business on Google if you have not already." msgstr "" msgid "Social Meta" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to social setting KB article msgid "Add social meta to your website's Schema for Knowledge Graph cards. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to KB article msgid "Add SEO meta and OpenGraph details to your homepage. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Authors" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to KB article msgid "Change SEO options related to the author archives. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Misc Pages" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to KB article msgid "Customize SEO meta settings of pages like search results, 404s, etc. %s." msgstr "" msgid "SEO Titles & Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Titles & Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Post Types:" msgstr "" msgid "Attachments" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. post type name 2. link #. translators: 1. taxonomy name 2. link msgid "Change Global SEO, Schema, and other settings for %1$s. %2$s" msgstr "" msgid "Post Formats" msgstr "" msgid "Post Formats Archive" msgstr "" msgid "Failed to backup .htaccess file. Please check file permissions." msgstr "" msgid "Failed to update .htaccess file. Please check file permissions." msgstr "" msgid ".htaccess file updated successfully." msgstr "" msgid "Panel" msgstr "" msgid "Take your SEO to the Next Level!" msgstr "" msgid "Get Rank Math PRO!" msgstr "" msgid "Click here to see all the exciting features." msgstr "" msgid "Ctrl/Cmd + Enter" msgstr "" msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "" msgid "Reset Options" msgstr "" msgid "Bulk Edit This Field" msgstr "" msgid "Save All Edits" msgstr "" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Details" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Title" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Desc" msgstr "" msgid "Title" msgstr "" msgid "Alternative Text" msgstr "" msgid "Save" msgstr "" msgid "No Index" msgstr "" msgid "Is Pillar" msgstr "" msgid "Focus Keyword" msgstr "" msgid "Keyword" msgstr "" msgid "Not Set" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Score: Good" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Score: Ok" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Score: Bad" msgstr "" msgid "Focus Keyword Not Set" msgstr "" msgid "Articles noindexed" msgstr "" msgid "Pillar Content" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Your Content With the Power of PRO & A.I." msgstr "" msgid "Unlimited Websites" msgstr "" msgid "Content A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)" msgstr "" msgid "Keyword Rank Tracker" msgstr "" msgid "Powerful Schema Generator" msgstr "" msgid "24x7 Premium Support" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Email Reports" msgstr "" msgid "and Many More…" msgstr "" msgid "Yes, I want to learn more" msgstr "" msgid "No, I don't want it" msgstr "" msgid "I already upgraded" msgstr "" msgid "Yes, I want better SEO" msgstr "" msgid "I already purchased" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math Product Registration" msgstr "" msgid "Return to dashboard" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math plugin could not be connected." msgstr "" msgid "Unable to connect Rank Math." msgstr "" msgid "Skip Now" msgstr "" msgid "Next" msgstr "" msgid "Connect Your Account" msgstr "" msgid "Connect FREE Account" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to Free Account Benefits KB article msgid "By connecting your free account, you get keyword suggestions directly from Google when entering the focus keywords. Not only that, get access to our revolutionary SEO Analyzer inside WordPress that scans your website for SEO errors and suggest improvements. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Read more by following this link." msgstr "" msgid "Account Successfully Connected" msgstr "" msgid "You have successfully activated Rank Math." msgstr "" msgid "Preview" msgstr "" msgid "Desktop Preview" msgstr "" msgid "Mobile Preview" msgstr "" msgid "Click to enter permalink" msgstr "" msgid "Click to enter custom title" msgstr "" msgid "Click to enter custom meta description" msgstr "" msgid "Noindex robots meta is enabled" msgstr "" msgid "This page will not appear in search results. You can disable noindex in the Advanced tab." msgstr "" msgid "Price range: " msgstr "" msgid "Calories: " msgstr "" #. translators: total reviews msgid "Rating: %s" msgstr "" #. translators: total reviews msgid "%s reviews" msgstr "" msgid "Price" msgstr "" msgid "Price range" msgstr "" msgid "Cooking time" msgstr "" msgid "Calories" msgstr "" msgid "In Stock" msgstr "" msgid "Date" msgstr "" msgid "Location" msgstr "" msgid "Rating" msgstr "" msgid "Out of stock" msgstr "" msgid "In stock" msgstr "" msgid "Requirements" msgstr "" msgid "Import" msgstr "" msgid "Your Site" msgstr "" msgid "Analytics" msgstr "" msgid "Sitemaps" msgstr "" msgid "Optimization" msgstr "" msgid "Ready" msgstr "" msgid "Role Manager" msgstr "" msgid "404 + Redirection" msgstr "" msgid "Schema Markup" msgstr "" msgid "Advanced Options" msgstr "" msgid "Deactivated" msgstr "" msgid "Skip Step" msgstr "" #. translators: %s: product tag msgid "Products tagged “%s”" msgstr "" #. translators: %s expands to the current page number msgid "Page %s" msgstr "" msgid "Search Engine Optimization by Rank Math PRO - https://s.rankmath.com/home" msgstr "" msgid "Search Engine Optimization by Rank Math - https://s.rankmath.com/home" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math WordPress SEO plugin" msgstr "" msgid "Address:" msgstr "" msgid "Hours:" msgstr "" msgid "Telephone" msgstr "" msgid "Email:" msgstr "" msgid "Play icon" msgstr "" msgid "GIF icon" msgstr "" msgid "Index" msgstr "" msgid "Instructs search engines to index and show these pages in the search results." msgstr "" msgid "Prevents pages from being indexed and displayed in search engine result pages" msgstr "" msgid "No Follow" msgstr "" msgid "Prevents search engines from following links on the pages" msgstr "" msgid "No Archive" msgstr "" msgid "Prevents search engines from showing Cached links for pages" msgstr "" msgid "No Image Index" msgstr "" msgid "Prevents images on a page from being indexed by Google and other search engines" msgstr "" msgid "No Snippet" msgstr "" msgid "Prevents a snippet from being shown in the search results" msgstr "" msgid "Any" msgstr "" msgid "Article" msgstr "" msgid "Book" msgstr "" msgid "Course" msgstr "" msgid "Event" msgstr "" msgid "Job Posting" msgstr "" msgid "Music" msgstr "" msgid "Product" msgstr "" msgid "Recipe" msgstr "" msgid "Restaurant" msgstr "" msgid "Video" msgstr "" msgid "Person" msgstr "" msgid "Service" msgstr "" msgid "Software Application" msgstr "" msgid "Review (Unsupported)" msgstr "" msgid "301 Permanent Move" msgstr "" msgid "302 Temporary Move" msgstr "" msgid "307 Temporary Redirect" msgstr "" msgid "410 Content Deleted" msgstr "" msgid "451 Content Unavailable for Legal Reasons" msgstr "" msgid "Exact" msgstr "" msgid "Contains" msgstr "" msgid "Starts With" msgstr "" msgid "End With" msgstr "" msgid "Regex" msgstr "" msgid "Customer Service" msgstr "" msgid "Technical Support" msgstr "" msgid "Billing Support" msgstr "" msgid "Bill Payment" msgstr "" msgid "Sales" msgstr "" msgid "Reservations" msgstr "" msgid "Credit Card Support" msgstr "" msgid "Emergency" msgstr "" msgid "Baggage Tracking" msgstr "" msgid "Roadside Assistance" msgstr "" msgid "Package Tracking" msgstr "" msgid "Worldwide" msgstr "" msgid "Algeria" msgstr "" msgid "Argentina" msgstr "" msgid "Armenia" msgstr "" msgid "Australia" msgstr "" msgid "Austria" msgstr "" msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "" msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "" msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "" msgid "Belarus" msgstr "" msgid "Belgium" msgstr "" msgid "Bolivia, Plurinational State Of" msgstr "" msgid "Brazil" msgstr "" msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "" msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "" msgid "Canada" msgstr "" msgid "Chile" msgstr "" msgid "Colombia" msgstr "" msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "" msgid "Croatia" msgstr "" msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "" msgid "Czechia" msgstr "" msgid "Denmark" msgstr "" msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "" msgid "Egypt" msgstr "" msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "" msgid "Estonia" msgstr "" msgid "Finland" msgstr "" msgid "France" msgstr "" msgid "Germany" msgstr "" msgid "Ghana" msgstr "" msgid "Greece" msgstr "" msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "" msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "" msgid "Hungary" msgstr "" msgid "India" msgstr "" msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "" msgid "Ireland" msgstr "" msgid "Israel" msgstr "" msgid "Italy" msgstr "" msgid "Japan" msgstr "" msgid "Jordan" msgstr "" msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "" msgid "Kenya" msgstr "" msgid "Korea, Republic Of" msgstr "" msgid "Latvia" msgstr "" msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "" msgid "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of" msgstr "" msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "" msgid "Malta" msgstr "" msgid "Mexico" msgstr "" msgid "Morocco" msgstr "" msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "" msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "" msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "" msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "" msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "" msgid "Norway" msgstr "" msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "" msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "" msgid "Peru" msgstr "" msgid "Philippines" msgstr "" msgid "Poland" msgstr "" msgid "Portugal" msgstr "" msgid "Romania" msgstr "" msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "" msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "" msgid "Senegal" msgstr "" msgid "Serbia" msgstr "" msgid "Singapore" msgstr "" msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "" msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "" msgid "South Africa" msgstr "" msgid "Spain" msgstr "" msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "" msgid "Sweden" msgstr "" msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "" msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "" msgid "Thailand" msgstr "" msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "" msgid "Turkey" msgstr "" msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "" msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "" msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "" msgid "United States Of America" msgstr "" msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "" msgid "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of" msgstr "" msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "" msgid "WooCommerce Product" msgstr "" msgid "EDD Product" msgstr "" msgid "Items per page" msgstr "" msgid "404 Monitor" msgstr "" msgid "Records the URLs on which visitors & search engines run into 404 Errors. You can also turn on Redirections to redirect the error causing URLs to other URLs." msgstr "" msgid "Dominate the search results for the local audiences by optimizing your website for Local SEO and it also helps you to aquire the Knowledge Graph." msgstr "" msgid "Redirections" msgstr "" msgid "Redirect non-existent content easily with 301 and 302 status code. This can help improve your site ranking. Also supports many other response codes." msgstr "" msgid "Schema (Structured Data)" msgstr "" msgid "Enable support for the structured data, which adds Schema code in your website, resulting in rich search results, better CTR and more traffic." msgstr "" msgid "Sitemap" msgstr "" msgid "Enable Rank Math's sitemap feature, which helps search engines intelligently crawl your website's content. It also supports hreflang tag." msgstr "" msgid "Link Counter" msgstr "" msgid "Counts the total number of internal, external links, to and from links inside your posts. You can also see the same count in the Posts List Page." msgstr "" msgid "Image SEO" msgstr "" msgid "Advanced Image SEO options to supercharge your website. Automate the task of adding the ALT and Title tags to your images on the fly." msgstr "" msgid "Instant Indexing" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is "IndexNow API". msgid "Directly notify search engines like Bing & Yandex using the %s when pages are added, updated and removed, or submit URLs manually." msgstr "" msgid "IndexNow API" msgstr "" msgid "Content AI" msgstr "" msgid "Get sophisticated AI suggestions for related Keywords, Questions & Links to include in the SEO meta & Content Area. Supports 80+ Countries." msgstr "" msgid "News Sitemap" msgstr "" msgid "Create a News Sitemap for your news-related content. You only need a News sitemap if you plan on posting news-related content on your website." msgstr "" msgid "This module is available in the PRO version." msgstr "" msgid "Video Sitemap" msgstr "" msgid "For your video content, a Video Sitemap is a recommended step for better rankings and inclusion in the Video search." msgstr "" msgid "Podcast" msgstr "" msgid "Make your podcasts discoverable via Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, and similar services with Podcast RSS feed and Schema Markup generated by Rank Math." msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "The Role Manager allows you to use WordPress roles to control which of your site users can have edit or view access to Rank Math's settings." msgstr "" msgid "Connect Rank Math with Google Search Console to see the most important information from Google directly in your WordPress dashboard." msgstr "" msgid "SEO Analysis" msgstr "" msgid "Let Rank Math analyze your website and your website's content using 70+ different tests to provide tailor-made SEO Analysis to you." msgstr "" msgid "Robots Txt" msgstr "" msgid "Version Control" msgstr "" msgid "Database Tools" msgstr "" msgid "Status" msgstr "" msgid "AMP" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to AMP plugin msgid "Install %s to make Rank Math work with Accelerated Mobile Pages. Rank Math automatically adds required meta tags in all the AMP pages." msgstr "" msgid "AMP plugin" msgstr "" msgid "bbPress" msgstr "" msgid "Add proper Meta tags to your bbPress forum posts, categories, profiles, etc. Get more options to take control of what search engines see and how they see it." msgstr "" msgid "Please activate bbPress plugin to use this module." msgstr "" msgid "BuddyPress" msgstr "" msgid "Enable the BuddyPress module for Rank Math SEO to make your BuddyPress forum SEO friendly by adding proper meta tags to all forum pages." msgstr "" msgid "Please activate BuddyPress plugin to use this module." msgstr "" msgid "WooCommerce" msgstr "" msgid "Optimize WooCommerce Pages for Search Engines by adding required metadata and Product Schema which will make your site stand out in the SERPs." msgstr "" msgid "Please activate WooCommerce plugin to use this module." msgstr "" msgid "ACF" msgstr "" msgid "ACF support helps Rank Math SEO read and analyze content written in the Advanced Custom Fields. If your theme uses ACF, you should enable this option." msgstr "" msgid "Please activate ACF plugin to use this module." msgstr "" msgid "Google Web Stories" msgstr "" msgid "Make any Story created with the Web Stories WordPress plugin SEO-Ready with automatic support for Schema and Meta tags." msgstr "" msgid "Please activate Web Stories plugin to use this module." msgstr "" msgid "You cant access this page." msgstr "" msgid "PRO" msgstr "" msgid "NEW!" msgstr "" msgid "PRO options are enabled." msgstr "" msgid "More powerful options are available in the PRO version." msgstr "" msgid "Take SEO to the Next Level!" msgstr "" msgid "Unlimited personal websites" msgstr "" msgid "Free 15 Content AI Credits" msgstr "" msgid "Track 500 Keywords" msgstr "" msgid "24/7 Support" msgstr "" msgid "Buy" msgstr "" #. translators: %d: minutes #. translators: %d is the number of minutes. msgid "%d minute" msgid_plural "%d minutes" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Less than a minute" msgstr "" msgid "Items" msgstr "" msgid "Post ID" msgstr "" msgid "ID of the current post/page" msgstr "" msgid "Focus Keyword of the current post" msgstr "" msgid "Focus Keywords" msgstr "" msgid "Focus Keywords of the current post" msgstr "" msgid "Custom Field (advanced)" msgstr "" msgid "Custom field value." msgstr "" msgid "Custom field value" msgstr "" msgid "Page" msgstr "" msgid "Page number with context (i.e. page 2 of 4). Only displayed on page 2 and above." msgstr "" msgid "Page Number" msgstr "" msgid "Current page number" msgstr "" msgid "Max Pages" msgstr "" msgid "Max pages number" msgstr "" msgid "Post Type Name Singular" msgstr "" msgid "Name of current post type (singular)" msgstr "" msgid "Post Type Name Plural" msgstr "" msgid "Name of current post type (plural)" msgstr "" msgid "Products" msgstr "" #. translators: %1$d: current page number, %2$d: max pages. msgid "Page %1$d of %2$d" msgstr "" msgid "Author ID" msgstr "" msgid "Author's user ID of the current post, page or author archive." msgstr "" msgid "Post Author" msgstr "" msgid "Display author's nicename of the current post, page or author archive." msgstr "" msgid "Author Description" msgstr "" msgid "Author's biographical info of the current post, page or author archive." msgstr "" msgid "Example Post title" msgstr "" msgid "Separator Character" msgstr "" msgid "Separator character, as set in the Title Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Search Query" msgstr "" msgid "Search query (only available on search results page)" msgstr "" msgid "example search" msgstr "" msgid "Counter" msgstr "" msgid "Starts at 1 and increments by 1." msgstr "" msgid "File Name" msgstr "" msgid "File Name of the attachment" msgstr "" msgid "Site Title" msgstr "" msgid "Title of the site" msgstr "" msgid "Site Description" msgstr "" msgid "Description of the site" msgstr "" msgid "Current Date" msgstr "" msgid "Current server date" msgstr "" msgid "Current Day" msgstr "" msgid "Current server day" msgstr "" msgid "Current Month" msgstr "" msgid "Current server month" msgstr "" msgid "Current Year" msgstr "" msgid "Current server year" msgstr "" msgid "Current Time" msgstr "" msgid "Current server time" msgstr "" msgid "Current Time (advanced)" msgstr "" msgid "Current server time with custom formatting pattern." msgstr "" msgid "Organization Name" msgstr "" msgid "The Organization Name added in Local SEO Settings." msgstr "" msgid "Organization Logo" msgstr "" msgid "Organization Logo added in Local SEO Settings." msgstr "" msgid "Organization URL" msgstr "" msgid "Organization URL added in Local SEO Settings." msgstr "" msgid "Variable names can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores and dashes." msgstr "" msgid "The variable has already been registered." msgstr "" #. translators: Taxonomy name. msgid "%s Title" msgstr "" #. translators: Taxonomy name. msgid "%s Description" msgstr "" msgid "Custom Term title." msgstr "" msgid "Custom Term description." msgstr "" msgid "Post Title" msgstr "" msgid "Title of the current post/page" msgstr "" msgid "Post Title of parent page" msgstr "" msgid "Title of the parent page of the current post/page" msgstr "" msgid "Post Excerpt" msgstr "" msgid "Excerpt of the current post (or auto-generated if it does not exist)" msgstr "" msgid "Excerpt of the current post (without auto-generation)" msgstr "" msgid "Post Excerpt Only" msgstr "" msgid "Custom or Generated SEO Title of the current post/page" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Description" msgstr "" msgid "Custom or Generated SEO Description of the current post/page" msgstr "" msgid "Post URL" msgstr "" msgid "URL of the current post/page" msgstr "" msgid "Post Thumbnail" msgstr "" msgid "Current Post Thumbnail" msgstr "" msgid "Date Published" msgstr "" msgid "Publication date of the current post/page OR specified date on date archives" msgstr "" msgid "Date Modified" msgstr "" msgid "Last modification date of the current post/page" msgstr "" msgid "Date Published (advanced)" msgstr "" msgid "Publish date with custom formatting pattern." msgstr "" msgid "Date Modified (advanced)" msgstr "" msgid "Modified date with custom formatting pattern." msgstr "" msgid "Post Category" msgstr "" msgid "First category (alphabetically) associated to the current post OR current category on category archives" msgstr "" msgid "Example Category" msgstr "" msgid "Post Categories" msgstr "" msgid "Comma-separated list of categories associated to the current post" msgstr "" msgid "Example Category 1, Example Category 2" msgstr "" msgid "Categories (advanced)" msgstr "" msgid "Output list of categories associated to the current post, with customization options." msgstr "" msgid "Primary Terms" msgstr "" msgid "Output list of terms from the primary taxonomy associated to the current post." msgstr "" msgid "Post Tag" msgstr "" msgid "First tag (alphabetically) associated to the current post OR current tag on tag archives" msgstr "" msgid "Example Tag" msgstr "" msgid "Post Tags" msgstr "" msgid "Comma-separated list of tags associated to the current post" msgstr "" msgid "Example Tag 1, Example Tag 2" msgstr "" msgid "Tags (advanced)" msgstr "" msgid "Output list of tags associated to the current post, with customization options." msgstr "" msgid "Example Tag 1 | Example Tag 2" msgstr "" msgid "Current Term" msgstr "" msgid "Current term name" msgstr "" msgid "Example Term" msgstr "" msgid "Term Description" msgstr "" msgid "Current term description" msgstr "" msgid "Example Term Description" msgstr "" msgid "Custom Term (advanced)" msgstr "" msgid "Custom term value." msgstr "" msgid "Custom term value" msgstr "" msgid "Custom Term description" msgstr "" msgid "The $id variable is required." msgstr "" msgid "Example" msgstr "" #. translators: variable name msgid "The $%1$s is required for variable %2$s." msgstr "" msgid "Module slug" msgstr "" msgid "Module state either on or off" msgstr "" msgid "Site disconnected successfully." msgstr "" msgid "Site token" msgstr "" msgid "URL to get HTML tags for." msgstr "" msgid "No meta rows found to update." msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to create/update redirection." msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post type." msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post." msgstr "" msgid "Invalid post ID." msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this term." msgstr "" msgid "Invalid term ID." msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, field is empty which is not allowed." msgstr "" msgid "Object Type i.e. post, term, user" msgstr "" msgid "Object unique id" msgstr "" msgid "Meta to add or update data." msgstr "" msgid "schemas to add or update data." msgstr "" msgid "Error: Nonce verification failed" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholders are the opening and closing anchor tags. msgid "Thank you for updating Rank Math! We've completely revamped our Analytics module with Google Analytics & Google Search Console integrations. For a seamless experience, please re-authenticate your Google account. %1$sClick here to Connect%2$s" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholders are the opening and closing anchor tags. msgid "Rank Math: Introducing SEO Performance Reports via Email. %1$sClick here to enable it%2$s." msgstr "" #. translators: %1$s: post type label, %2$s: edit redirection URL. #. translators: %1$s: term name, %2$s: edit redirection URL. msgid "SEO Notice: you just changed the slug of a %1$s and Rank Math has automatically created a redirection. You can edit the redirection by clicking here." msgstr "" #. translators: 1. url to new screen, 2. old trashed post permalink msgid "SEO Notice: A previously published post has been moved to trash. You may redirect it %2$s to new url." msgstr "" msgid "Search" msgstr "" msgid "Import Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Import plugin settings, global meta, sitemap settings, etc." msgstr "" msgid "Import Post Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Import meta information of your posts/pages like the focus keyword, titles, descriptions, robots meta, OpenGraph info, etc." msgstr "" msgid "Import Term Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Import data like category, tag, and CPT meta data from SEO." msgstr "" msgid "Import Author Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Import meta information like titles, descriptions, focus keyword, robots meta, etc., of your author archive pages." msgstr "" msgid "Import Redirections" msgstr "" msgid "Import all the redirections you have already set up in Yoast Premium." msgstr "" msgid "Import Blocks" msgstr "" msgid "Import and convert all compatible blocks in post contents." msgstr "" msgid "Import Locations" msgstr "" msgid "Import Locations Settings from Yoast plugin." msgstr "" msgid "Import News Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Import News Settings from Yoast News Add-on." msgstr "" msgid "Import Video Sitemap Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Import Video Sitemap Settings from Yoast Video Add-on." msgstr "" msgid "Unable to perform action this time." msgstr "" msgid "Import Schemas" msgstr "" msgid "Import all Schema data for Posts, Pages, and custom post types." msgstr "" msgid "Import AIO SEO plugin settings, global meta, sitemap settings, etc." msgstr "" msgid "Import meta information of your posts/pages like the titles, descriptions, robots meta, OpenGraph info, etc." msgstr "" msgid "Import meta information of your terms like the titles, descriptions, robots meta, OpenGraph info, etc." msgstr "" msgid "Import all the redirections you have already set up in AIO SEO Premium." msgstr "" msgid "Import Locations Settings." msgstr "" msgid "HTML Sitemap" msgstr "" msgid "Settings imported successfully." msgstr "" msgid "News Settings imported successfully." msgstr "" msgid "Video Settings imported successfully." msgstr "" msgid "Plugin deactivated successfully." msgstr "" #. translators: start, end, total msgid "Imported post meta for posts %1$s - %2$s out of %3$s " msgstr "" #. translators: total msgid "Imported term meta for %s terms." msgstr "" #. translators: start, end, total msgid "Imported user meta for users %1$s - %2$s out of %3$s " msgstr "" #. translators: total msgid "Imported %s redirections." msgstr "" #. translators: start, end, total msgid "Imported blocks from posts %1$s - %2$s out of %3$s " msgstr "" #. translators: start, end, total msgid "Recalculating scores for posts %1$s - %2$s... " msgstr "" msgid "Settings import failed." msgstr "" msgid "Posts meta import failed." msgstr "" msgid "Term meta import failed." msgstr "" msgid "User meta import failed." msgstr "" msgid "There are no redirection to import." msgstr "" msgid "Blocks import failed." msgstr "" msgid "Plugin settings and site-wide meta data." msgstr "" msgid "No post found." msgstr "" msgid "Link Suggestions" msgstr "" msgid "Click on the button to copy URL or insert link in content. You can also drag and drop links in the post content." msgstr "" msgid "We can't show any link suggestions for this post. Try selecting categories and tags for this post, and mark other posts as Pillar Content to make them show up here." msgstr "" msgid "The featured image should be at least 200 by 200 pixels to be picked up by Facebook and other social media sites." msgstr "" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "" msgid "username" msgstr "" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgid "Next steps…" msgstr "" msgid "Setup Rank Math" msgstr "" msgid "How to Properly Setup Rank Math" msgstr "" msgid "Upgrade to PRO" msgstr "" msgid "Advanced Schema, Analytics and much more..." msgstr "" msgid "Import Data" msgstr "" msgid "How to Import Data from Your Previous SEO Plugin" msgstr "" msgid "Improve SEO Score" msgstr "" msgid "How to Make Your Posts Pass All the Tests" msgstr "" msgid "Product Support" msgstr "" msgid "Online Documentation" msgstr "" msgid "Understand all the capabilities of Rank Math" msgstr "" msgid "Ticket Support" msgstr "" msgid "Direct help from our qualified support team" msgstr "" msgid "Affiliate Program" msgstr "" msgid "Earn flat 30% on every sale!" msgstr "" msgid "Account" msgstr "" msgid "Connected" msgstr "" msgid "Not Connected" msgstr "" #. translators: variables used to wrap the text in the strong tag. msgid "You have successfully activated Rank Math. If you find the plugin useful, %1$s feel free to recommend it to your friends or colleagues %2$s." msgstr "" msgid "Disconnect Account" msgstr "" msgid "The plugin is currently not connected with your Rank Math account. Click on the button below to login or register for FREE using your %1$sGoogle account, Facebook account%2$s or %1$syour email account%2$s." msgstr "" msgid "Connect Now" msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to deactivate plugins for this site." msgstr "" #. translators: plugin name msgid "You are not allowed to deactivate this plugin: %s." msgstr "" #. translators: deactivation link msgid "Please keep only one SEO plugin active, otherwise, you might lose your rankings and traffic. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Click here to Deactivate" msgstr "" #. translators: deactivation link msgid "Please keep only one Sitemap plugin active, otherwise, you might lose your rankings and traffic. %s." msgstr "" #. translators: %1$s: general reading settings URL. msgid "SEO Notice: Your site is set to No Index and will not appear in search engines. You can change the Search engine visibility from here." msgstr "" #. translators: Option Description msgid "Easy %s" msgstr "" msgid "For websites where you only want to change the basics and let Rank Math do most of the heavy lifting. Most settings are set to default as per industry best practices. One just has to set it and forget it." msgstr "" #. translators: Option Description msgid "Advanced %s" msgstr "" msgid "For the advanced users who want to control every SEO aspect of the website. You are offered options to change everything and have full control over the website’s SEO." msgstr "" #. translators: Option Description msgid "Custom Mode %s" msgstr "" msgid "Select this if you have a custom Rank Math settings file you want to use." msgstr "" msgid "Note" msgstr "" msgid "You can easily switch between modes at any point." msgstr "" msgid "Import SEO Settings" msgstr "" msgid "You can import SEO settings from the following plugins:" msgstr "" msgid "Importing: " msgstr "" msgid "Completed" msgstr "" msgid "Deactivating Plugins..." msgstr "" msgid "Skip, Don't Import Now" msgstr "" msgid "Continue" msgstr "" msgid "Start Import" msgstr "" msgid "Input Data From:" msgstr "" msgid "Recalculate SEO Scores" msgstr "" #. translators: 1 is plugin name msgid "Import meta data from the %1$s plugin." msgstr "" msgid "Import settings and meta data from the %1$s plugin." msgstr "" #. translators: 2 is link to Knowledge Base article msgid "The process may take a few minutes if you have a large number of posts or pages Learn more about the import process here." msgstr "" #. translators: 1 is plugin name msgid " %1$s plugin will be disabled automatically moving forward to avoid conflicts. It is thus recommended to import the data you need now." msgstr "" msgid "Save and Continue" msgstr "" msgid "Set default values for the 404 error monitor here." msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "The 404 monitor will let you see if visitors or search engines bump into any 404 Not Found error while browsing your site." msgstr "" msgid "Set default values for the redirection module from here." msgstr "" msgid "Learn more about Redirections." msgstr "" msgid "Set up temporary or permanent redirections. Combined with the 404 monitor, you can easily redirect faulty URLs on your site, or add custom redirections." msgstr "" msgid "SEO Tweaks" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to How to Optimization KB article msgid "Automate some of your SEO tasks like making external links nofollow, redirecting attachment pages, etc. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Noindex Empty Category and Tag Archives" msgstr "" msgid "Setting empty archives to noindex is useful for avoiding indexation of thin content pages and dilution of page rank. As soon as a post is added, the page is updated to index." msgstr "" msgid "Nofollow External Links" msgstr "" msgid "Automatically add rel=\"nofollow\" attribute for external links appearing in your posts, pages, and other post types. The attribute is dynamically applied when the content is displayed, and the stored content is not changed." msgstr "" msgid "Open External Links in New Tab/Window" msgstr "" msgid "Automatically add a target=\"_blank\" attribute to external links appearing in your posts, pages, and other post types. The attributes are applied when the content is displayed, which does not change the stored content." msgstr "" msgid "Set capabilities here." msgstr "" msgid "Schema Markup " msgstr "" msgid "Schema adds metadata to your website, resulting in rich search results and more traffic." msgstr "" msgid "Schema Type" msgstr "" msgid "Use automatic structured data to mark up content, to help Google better understand your content's context for display in Search. You can set different defaults for your posts here." msgstr "" #. translators: Google article snippet doc link msgid "Google does not allow Person as the Publisher for articles. Organization will be used instead. You can read more about this here." msgstr "" msgid "Article Type" msgstr "" msgid "Blog Post" msgstr "" msgid "News Article" msgstr "" #. translators: Post type name msgid "Schema Type for %s" msgstr "" msgid "Default rich snippet selected when creating a new product." msgstr "" msgid "None (Click here to set one)" msgstr "" msgid "Default rich snippet selected when creating a new post of this type. " msgstr "" msgid "Connect Google™ Services" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to How to Setup Google Search Console KB article msgid "Rank Math automates everything, use below button to connect your site with Google Search Console and Google Analytics. It will verify your site and submit sitemaps automatically. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Read more about it here." msgstr "" #. translators: Link to How to Setup Sitemap KB article msgid "Choose your Sitemap configuration and select which type of posts or pages you want to include in your Sitemaps. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Learn more." msgstr "" msgid "XML Sitemaps help search engines index your website's content more effectively." msgstr "" msgid "Include Images" msgstr "" msgid "Include reference to images from the post content in sitemaps. This helps search engines index your images better." msgstr "" msgid "Public Post Types" msgstr "" msgid "Select post types to enable SEO options for them and include them in the sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Public Taxonomies" msgstr "" msgid "Select taxonomies to enable SEO options for them and include them in the sitemap." msgstr "" #. translators: sitename msgid "%1$s is a…" msgstr "" msgid "Business Type" msgstr "" msgid "Select the type that best describes your business. If you can't find one that applies exactly, use the generic \"Organization\" or \"Local Business\" types." msgstr "" msgid "Website Name" msgstr "" msgid "Enter the name of your site to appear in search results." msgstr "" msgid "Website Alternate Name" msgstr "" msgid "An alternate version of your site name (for example, an acronym or shorter name)." msgstr "" msgid "Person/Organization Name" msgstr "" msgid "Your name or company name intended to feature in Google's Knowledge Panel." msgstr "" msgid "Logo for Google" msgstr "" msgid "Min Size: 112Χ112px.
A squared image is preferred by the search engines." msgstr "" msgid "Default Social Share Image" msgstr "" msgid "When a featured image or an OpenGraph Image is not set for individual posts/pages/CPTs, this image will be used as a fallback thumbnail when your post is shared on Facebook. The recommended image size is 1200 x 630 pixels." msgstr "" msgid "Personal Blog" msgstr "" msgid "Community Blog/News Site" msgstr "" msgid "Personal Portfolio" msgstr "" msgid "Small Business Site" msgstr "" msgid "Webshop" msgstr "" msgid "Other Personal Website" msgstr "" msgid "Other Business Website" msgstr "" msgid "Page not found" msgstr "" #. translators: delete counter msgid "%d log(s) deleted." msgstr "" #. translators: delete counter msgid "Log cleared - %d items deleted." msgstr "" msgid "Overview" msgstr "" msgid "Screen Content" msgstr "" msgid "Available Actions" msgstr "" msgid "Bulk Actions" msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete all 404 error logs?" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Link to KB article 2. Link to redirection setting scree msgid "Monitor broken pages that ruin user-experience and affect SEO. %s." msgstr "" msgid "View Report" msgstr "" msgid "Log Count" msgstr "" msgid "Total number of 404 pages opened by the users." msgstr "" msgid "URL Hits" msgstr "" msgid "Total number visits received on all the 404 pages." msgstr "" msgid "Review 404 errors on your site" msgstr "" msgid "No valid id found." msgstr "" msgid "Log item successfully deleted." msgstr "" msgid "The 404 error log is empty." msgstr "" msgid "Clear Log" msgstr "" msgid "Delete" msgstr "" msgid "View Redirection" msgstr "" msgid "Redirect" msgstr "" msgid "URI" msgstr "" msgid "Referer" msgstr "" msgid "User-Agent" msgstr "" msgid "Hits" msgstr "" msgid "Access Time" msgstr "" msgid "Data fetching cancelled." msgstr "" msgid "Google oAuth is not authorized." msgstr "" msgid "Data fetching started in the background." msgstr "" msgid "Not a valid settings founds to delete cache." msgstr "" msgid "Last 30 Days" msgstr "" msgid "Review analytics and sitemaps" msgstr "" msgid "Analytics cache cleared." msgstr "" msgid "Post re-index in progress." msgstr "" #. translators: %1$d: number of changes, %2$s: new collation. msgid "%1$d collation changed to %2$s." msgid_plural "%1$d collations changed to %2$s." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "No collation mismatch to fix." msgstr "" msgid "Search Traffic" msgstr "" msgid "This is the number of pageviews carried out by visitors from Google." msgstr "" msgid "Total Impressions" msgstr "" msgid "How many times your site showed up in the search results." msgstr "" msgid "Total Clicks" msgstr "" msgid "Total Keywords" msgstr "" msgid "Total number of keywords your site ranking below 100 position." msgstr "" msgid "Average Position" msgstr "" msgid "Average position of all the ranking keywords below 100 position." msgstr "" #. translators: Auth URL msgid "It seems like the connection with your Google account & Rank Math needs to be made again. Please click here." msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math is importing latest data from connected Google Services, %1$s remaining." msgstr "" msgid "Cancel Fetch" msgstr "" #. translators: %s: amount of time msgid "%s year" msgid_plural "%s years" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. translators: %s: amount of time msgid "%s month" msgid_plural "%s months" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. translators: %s: amount of time msgid "%s week" msgid_plural "%s weeks" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. translators: %s: amount of time msgid "%s day" msgid_plural "%s days" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. translators: %s: amount of time msgid "%s hour" msgid_plural "%s hours" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. translators: %s: amount of time msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. translators: %s: amount of time msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Now!" msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to do this?" msgstr "" msgid "You are about to delete all the previously imported data." msgstr "" msgid "You are about to delete your 90 days cache." msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to disconnect Google services from your site?" msgstr "" msgid "Cache deleted." msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "See your Google Search Console, Analytics and AdSense data without leaving your WP dashboard. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Purge Analytics Cache" msgstr "" msgid "Clear analytics cache to re-calculate all the stats again." msgstr "" msgid "Clear Cache" msgstr "" msgid "Rebuild Index for Analytics" msgstr "" msgid "Missing some posts/pages in the Analytics data? Clear the index and build a new one for more accurate stats." msgstr "" msgid "Rebuild Index" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is "rankmath.com" as a link. msgid "This email was sent to you as a registered member of %s." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is "click here" as a link. msgid "To update your email preferences, %s." msgstr "" msgid "click here" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the site URL. msgid "Rank Math [SEO Report] - %s" msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, no post found for given id." msgstr "" msgid "BuddyPress:" msgstr "" msgid "Groups" msgstr "" msgid "This tab contains SEO options for BuddyPress Group pages." msgstr "" msgid "Group name." msgstr "" msgid "Group name of the current group" msgstr "" msgid "Group Description." msgstr "" msgid "Group description of the current group" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Get sophisticated AI suggestions for related Keywords, Questions & Links to include in the SEO meta & Content Area. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math Content AI" msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, only authenticated users can research the keyword." msgstr "" msgid "Content AI is not enabled on this Post type." msgstr "" msgid "No data found for the researched keyword." msgstr "" msgid "This feature is not available on the localhost." msgstr "" msgid "You have used all the free credits which are allowed to this domain." msgstr "" msgid "No Rank Math transients found." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the number of transients deleted. msgid "%d Rank Math transient cleared." msgid_plural "%d Rank Math transients cleared." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "SEO Analysis data has already been cleared." msgstr "" msgid "SEO Analysis data successfully deleted." msgstr "" msgid "No Internal Links data found." msgstr "" msgid "Internal Links successfully deleted." msgstr "" msgid "No 404 log data found." msgstr "" msgid "404 Log successfully deleted." msgstr "" msgid "No Redirections found." msgstr "" msgid "Redirection rules successfully deleted." msgstr "" msgid "Table re-creation started. It might take a couple of minutes." msgstr "" msgid "No posts found to convert." msgstr "" msgid "Conversion started. A success message will be shown here once the process completes. You can close this page." msgstr "" msgid "No data found to delete." msgstr "" msgid "Deletion started. A success message will be shown here once the process completes. You can close this page." msgstr "" msgid "Flush SEO Analysis Data" msgstr "" msgid "Need a clean slate or not able to run the SEO Analysis tool? Flushing the analysis data might fix the issue. Flushing SEO Analysis data is entirely safe and doesn't remove any critical data from your website." msgstr "" msgid "Clear SEO Analysis" msgstr "" msgid "Remove Rank Math Transients" msgstr "" msgid "If you see any issue while using Rank Math or one of its options - clearing the Rank Math transients fixes the problem in most cases. Deleting transients does not delete ANY data added using Rank Math." msgstr "" msgid "Remove transients" msgstr "" msgid "Clear 404 Log" msgstr "" msgid "Is the 404 error log getting out of hand? Use this option to clear ALL 404 logs generated by your website in the Rank Math 404 Monitor." msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the 404 log? This action is irreversible." msgstr "" msgid "Re-create Missing Database Tables" msgstr "" msgid "Check if required tables exist and create them if not." msgstr "" msgid "Re-create Tables" msgstr "" msgid "Fix Analytics table collations" msgstr "" msgid "In some cases, the Analytics database tables or columns don't match with each other, which can cause database errors. This tool can fix that issue." msgstr "" msgid "Fix Collations" msgstr "" msgid "Yoast Block Converter" msgstr "" msgid "Convert FAQ & HowTo Blocks created using Yoast. Use this option to easily move your previous blocks into Rank Math." msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to convert Yoast blocks into Rank Math blocks? This action is irreversible." msgstr "" msgid "Convert Blocks" msgstr "" msgid "Delete Internal Links Data" msgstr "" msgid "In some instances, the internal links data might show an inflated number or no number at all. Deleting the internal links data might fix the issue." msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete Internal Links Data? This action is irreversible." msgstr "" msgid "Delete Internal Links" msgstr "" msgid "Delete Redirections Rules" msgstr "" msgid "Getting a redirection loop or need a fresh start? Delete all the redirections using this tool. Note: This process is irreversible and will delete ALL your redirection rules." msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all the Redirection Rules? This action is irreversible." msgstr "" msgid "Delete Redirections" msgstr "" msgid "Delete Old Schema Data" msgstr "" msgid "Delete the schema data from the old format (<1.0.48). Note: This process is irreversible and will delete all the metadata prefixed with rank_math_snippet." msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the old schema data? This action is irreversible." msgstr "" msgid "Update SEO Scores" msgstr "" msgid "This tool will calculate the SEO score for the posts/pages that have a Focus Keyword set. Note: This process may take some time and the browser tab must be kept open while it is running." msgstr "" msgid "Recalculate Scores" msgstr "" msgid "Recalculating SEO Scores" msgstr "" msgid "This process may take a while. Please keep this window open until the process is complete." msgstr "" msgid "Calculated:" msgstr "" msgid "The SEO Scores have been recalculated successfully!" msgstr "" msgid "Close" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the number of modified posts. msgid "Blocks successfully converted in %d post." msgid_plural "Blocks successfully converted in %d posts." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "Images" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "SEO options related to featured images and media appearing in your post content. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Add missing ALT attributes" msgstr "" msgid "Add alt attributes for images without alt attributes automatically. The attribute is dynamically applied when the content is displayed, and the stored content is not changed." msgstr "" msgid "Alt attribute format" msgstr "" msgid "Format used for the new alt attribute values." msgstr "" msgid "Add missing TITLE attributes" msgstr "" msgid "Add TITLE attribute for all images without a TITLE attribute automatically. The attribute is dynamically applied when the content is displayed, and the stored content is not changed." msgstr "" msgid "Title attribute format" msgstr "" msgid "Format used for the new title attribute values." msgstr "" msgid "Unknown error." msgstr "" msgid "Invalid request." msgstr "" msgid "Invalid API key." msgstr "" msgid "Invalid URL." msgstr "" msgid "Too many requests." msgstr "" msgid "Internal server error." msgstr "" msgid "Instant Indexing: Submit Pages" msgstr "" msgid "Instant Indexing: Submit Page" msgstr "" msgid "Submit URLs" msgstr "" msgid "Send URLs directly to the IndexNow API." msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Instant Indexing module settings. %s." msgstr "" msgid "History" msgstr "" msgid "The last 100 IndexNow API requests." msgstr "" msgid "An error occurred while submitting the URL." msgstr "" msgid "Error: could not clear history." msgstr "" msgid "Error: could not get history." msgstr "" msgid "No submissions yet." msgstr "" msgid "Error submitting page to IndexNow." msgstr "" #. translators: %s: Number of pages submitted. msgid "%s page submitted to IndexNow." msgid_plural "%s pages submitted to IndexNow." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgid "No URLs provided." msgstr "" msgid "Invalid URLs provided." msgstr "" msgid "Failed to submit URLs. See details in the History tab." msgstr "" #. translators: %s is the number of URLs submitted. msgid "Successfully submitted %s URL." msgid_plural "Successfully submitted %s URLs." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. translators: placeholder is human-readable time, e.g. "1 hour". msgid "%s ago" msgstr "" msgid "Links: " msgstr "" msgid "Internal Links" msgstr "" msgid "External Links" msgstr "" msgid "Incoming Links" msgstr "" msgid "Maintenance Code" msgstr "" msgid "This field must not be empty." msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Easily create redirects without fiddling with tedious code. %s." msgstr "" msgid "No valid ID found." msgstr "" msgid "No valid action found." msgstr "" msgid "Redirection successfully activated." msgstr "" msgid "Redirection successfully deactivated." msgstr "" msgid "Redirection successfully moved to Trash." msgstr "" msgid "Redirection successfully restored." msgstr "" #. translators: delete counter msgid "%d redirection(s) successfully deleted." msgstr "" msgid "Add New" msgstr "" msgid "Export Options" msgstr "" msgid "Add" msgstr "" msgid "Update Redirection" msgstr "" msgid "Add Redirection" msgstr "" msgid "Source URLs" msgstr "" msgid "Add another" msgstr "" msgid "Remove" msgstr "" msgid "Ignore Case" msgstr "" msgid "Destination URL" msgstr "" msgid "Redirection Type" msgstr "" msgid "Activate" msgstr "" msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "" msgid "Please add at least one valid source URL." msgstr "" #. translators: Placeholder expands to number of redirections. msgid "Warning: you have more than %d active redirections. Exporting them to your .htaccess file may cause performance issues." msgstr "" msgid "Export to .htaccess" msgstr "" msgid "Export to Nginx config file" msgstr "" msgid "Export" msgstr "" msgid "Redirection successfully deleted." msgstr "" msgid "Can't update redirection." msgstr "" msgid "Redirection updated successfully." msgstr "" msgid "New redirection created." msgstr "" #. translators: source pattern msgid "Invalid regex pattern: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Redirection Count" msgstr "" msgid "Total number of Redirections created in the Rank Math." msgstr "" msgid "Redirection Hits" msgstr "" msgid "Total number of hits received by all the Redirections." msgstr "" msgid "Create and edit redirections" msgstr "" msgid "Manage Redirections" msgstr "" msgid "Redirection Settings" msgstr "" msgid "» Redirect this page" msgstr "" msgid "Redirect the current URL" msgstr "" msgid "No redirections found in Trash." msgstr "" msgid "No redirections added yet. Add New Redirection" msgstr "" msgid "Show more" msgstr "" msgid "Hide details" msgstr "" msgid "Hide" msgstr "" msgid "Restore" msgstr "" msgid "Delete Permanently" msgstr "" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgid "Trash" msgstr "" msgid "View" msgstr "" msgid "From" msgstr "" msgid "To" msgstr "" msgid "Type" msgstr "" msgid "Created" msgstr "" msgid "Last Accessed" msgstr "" msgid "Move to Trash" msgstr "" msgid "All" msgstr "" msgid "Active" msgstr "" msgid "Inactive" msgstr "" msgid "Empty Trash" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. url to new screen, 2. old trashed post permalink msgid "SEO Notice: A previously published %1$s has been moved to trash. You may redirect %2$s to a new url." msgstr "" msgid "Edit robots.txt" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Edit your robots.txt file to control what bots see. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Leave the field empty to let WordPress handle the contents dynamically. If an actual robots.txt file is present in the root folder of your site, this option won't take effect and you have to edit the file directly, or delete it and then edit from here." msgstr "" msgid "Contents are locked because a robots.txt file is present in the root folder." msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math could not detect if a robots.txt file exists or not because of a filesystem issue. The file contents entered here may not be applied." msgstr "" msgid "robots.txt file is not writable." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the Settings page URL. msgid "Warning: your site's search engine visibility is set to Hidden in Settings > Reading. This means that the changes you make here will not take effect. Set the search engine visibility to Public to be able to change the robots.txt content." msgstr "" msgid "Titles & Meta Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Sitemap Settings" msgstr "" msgid "404 Monitor Log" msgstr "" msgid "Link Builder" msgstr "" msgid "Site-Wide Analysis" msgstr "" msgid "On-Page Analysis" msgstr "" msgid "On-Page General Settings" msgstr "" msgid "On-Page Advanced Settings" msgstr "" msgid "On-Page Schema Settings" msgstr "" msgid "On-Page Social Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Top Admin Bar" msgstr "" msgid "Schema" msgstr "" msgid "No schema found." msgstr "" msgid "Opening Hours" msgstr "" msgid "Days" msgstr "" msgid "Opening Time" msgstr "" msgid "Closing Time" msgstr "" msgid "Editor's Rating:" msgstr "" msgid "How to fix" msgstr "" msgid "OK" msgstr "" msgid "Failed" msgstr "" msgid "Warning" msgstr "" msgid "Info" msgstr "" msgid "Site-wide analysis" msgstr "" msgid "Analyze this Page" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Analysis for this page" msgstr "" msgid "API Error:" msgstr "" msgid "The Site-Wide Analysis is unavailable on localhost." msgstr "" msgid "Click here to learn more" msgstr "" #. translators: API error msgid "API Error: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math SEO Analysis error: " msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math auto-update option is enabled on your site." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is a HTTP error code. msgid "HTTP %d error." msgstr "" msgid "Unexpected API response." msgstr "" msgid "Priority" msgstr "" msgid "Advanced SEO" msgstr "" msgid "Basic SEO" msgstr "" msgid "Performance" msgstr "" msgid "Security" msgstr "" msgid "Site Tagline" msgstr "" #. translators: link to general setting screen msgid "Your theme may display the Site Tagline, and it can also be used in SEO titles & descriptions. Set it to something unique. You can change it by navigating to Settings > General." msgstr "" msgid "Most WordPress themes place your site's tagline in a prominent position (inside header tags near the top of the page). Using the right tagline can give your site an SEO boost." msgstr "" msgid "Unfortunately, the standard WordPress tagline is \"Just Another WordPress site.\" That's pretty sloppy looking, and it does nothing for your SEO. In fact, it's actually a security risk - it makes it easy for hackers with a WordPress exploit to locate your site with an automated search." msgstr "" #. translators: link to general setting screen msgid "Changing your tagline is very easy. Just head on over to Settings - General in WordPress's admin menu (on the left), or click on the link in this sentence." msgstr "" msgid "The tagline is the second option. Choose a tagline that summarizes your site in a few words. The tagline is also a good place to use your main keyword." msgstr "" msgid "Blog Public" msgstr "" #. translators: link to general setting screen msgid "Your site may not be visible to search engine." msgstr "" #. translators: %1$s link to the reading settings, %2$s closing tag for the link msgid "You must %1$sgo to your Reading Settings%2$s and uncheck the box for Search Engine Visibility." msgstr "" msgid "Permalink Structure" msgstr "" #. translators: link to permalink setting screen msgid "For the best SEO results, use a custom permalink structure, preferably one that includes the post title (%%postname%%). You can change it by navigating to Settings > Permalinks" msgstr "" msgid "The standard permalink structure is pretty ugly - WordPress generates offputting URLs like: http://www.yoursite.com/?p=99" msgstr "" msgid "It's not very kind on the eyes, and it does nothing for your site's SEO. In fact, it can hurt it - Google's bot is quite cautious about crawling pages that look auto-generated." msgstr "" #. translators: link to permalink setting screen msgid "Fortunately, it's very easy to fix. Just hop on over to Settings - Permalinks. Then chose the \"Post Name\" option." msgstr "" msgid "This option will replace the \"?p=99\" part of the URL with the post's title, like this: http://www.yoursite.com/my-amazing-post-title/" msgstr "" msgid "This looks nice for readers - and it gets your keywords into the URL (keywords in the URL is a ranking factor)." msgstr "" msgid "Setting focus keywords for your posts allows Rank Math to analyse the content." msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math allows you to set a focus keyword for every post and page you write - the option is in the \"Meta Box\", which appears under the text editor in the screen where you write and edit content." msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math uses these focus keywords to analyze your on-page content. It can tell if you've done a good job of optimizing your text to rank for these keywords." msgstr "" msgid "Of course, if you don't give Rank Math a focus keyword to work with, it can't give you any useful feedback." msgstr "" msgid "Fixing this issue is easy - just edit the post, and set a Focus Keyword. Then follow Rank Math's analysis to improve your rankings." msgstr "" msgid "Post Titles Missing Focus Keywords" msgstr "" msgid "Make sure the focus keywords you set for the posts appear in their titles." msgstr "" msgid "HTML Page Titles play a large role in Google's ranking algorithm. When you add a Focus Keyword to a post or page, Rank Math will check to see that you used the keyword in the title. If it finds any posts or pages that are missing the keyword in the title, it will tell you here." msgstr "" msgid "Fixing the issue is simple - just edit the post/page and add the focus keyword(s) to the title." msgstr "" msgid "Search Console" msgstr "" #. translators: link to plugin setting screen msgid "Register at Google Search Console and verificate your site by adding the code to Settings > Verificate Tools, then navigate to Settings > Search Console to authenticate and link your site." msgstr "" msgid "Google's Search Console is a vital source of information concerning your rankings and click-through rates. Rank Math can import this data, so you don't have to log into your Google account to get the data you need." msgstr "" #. translators: link to plugin search console setting screen msgid "You can integrate the Google Search Console with Rank math in the Search Console tab. of Rank Math's General Settings menu." msgstr "" #. translators: Link to Search Console KB article msgid "Read this article for detailed instructions on setting up your Google Webmaster account and getting Rank Math to work with the Google Search Console." msgstr "" msgid "XML sitemaps are a special type of text file that tells search engines about the structure of your site. They're a list of all the resources (pages and files) you would like the search engine to index. You can assign different priorities, so certain pages will be crawled first. Before XML sitemaps, search engines were limited to indexing the content they could find by following links. That's still an important feature for search engine spiders, but XML sitemaps have made it easier for content creators and search engines to collaborate." msgstr "" msgid "If you don't have an XML sitemap, the best option is to install a plugin that creates sitemaps for you. That way you'll know the sitemap will always be up-to-date. Plugins can also automatically ping the search engines when the XML file is updated. The Rank Math WordPress plugin gives you complete control over your site's XML sitemaps. You can control the settings for each page as you write or edit it, and Rank Math will ping Google as soon as you submit your edits. This results in fast crawls and indexing." msgstr "" msgid "Automatic Updates" msgstr "" msgid "Enable automatic updates to ensure you are always using the latest version of Rank Math." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is an activate button. msgid "Automatic updates are not enabled on your site. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Enable Auto Updates" msgstr "" #. translators: %1$s link to the customize settings, %2$s closing tag for the link msgid "You have not entered a tagline yet. It is a good idea to choose one. %1$sYou can fix this in the customizer%2$s." msgstr "" msgid "Your Site Tagline is set to the default value Just another WordPress site." msgstr "" msgid "Your Site Tagline is set to a custom value." msgstr "" msgid "Permalinks are set to the default value. Pretty permalinks are disabled. " msgstr "" msgid "Permalinks are set to a custom structure but the post titles do not appear in the permalinks." msgstr "" #. translators: permalink structure msgid "Post permalink structure is set to %s." msgstr "" msgid "Google Search Console has been linked." msgstr "" msgid "You have not linked Google Search Console yet." msgstr "" msgid "Could not check Focus Keywords in posts - the post meta table exceeds the size limit." msgstr "" msgid "All published posts have focus keywords set." msgstr "" #. translators: post type links msgid "There are %s with no focus keyword set." msgstr "" msgid "Focus keywords appear in the titles of published posts where it is set." msgstr "" #. translators: post ID count msgid "+%d More..." msgstr "" #. translators: post type links msgid "There are %s published posts where the primary focus keyword does not appear in the post title." msgstr "" msgid "Your site has one or more sitemaps." msgstr "" msgid "No sitemaps found." msgstr "" msgid "Attention: Search Engines can't see your website." msgstr "" #. translators: %1$s: opening tag of the link, %2$s: the closing tag msgid "Navigate to %1$sSettings > Reading%2$s and turn off this option: \"Discourage search engines from indexing this site\"." msgstr "" msgid "Your site is accessible by search engine." msgstr "" msgid "New!" msgstr "" msgid "General" msgstr "" msgid "This tab contains General settings related to the XML sitemaps." msgstr "" #. translators: sitemap url msgid "Your sitemap index can be found here: %s" msgstr "" #. translators: new label msgid "HTML Sitemap %s" msgstr "" msgid "This tab contains settings related to the HTML sitemap." msgstr "" #. translators: Learn more link. msgid "Set the sitemap options for author archive pages. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Sitemap Settings %s" msgstr "" msgid "attachments" msgstr "" msgid "your product pages" msgstr "" #. translators: Post Type label msgid "single %s" msgstr "" #. translators: %1$s: thing, %2$s: Learn more link. msgid "Change Sitemap settings of %1$s. %2$s." msgstr "" #. translators: Post Type Sitemap Url #. translators: Taxonomy Sitemap Url msgid "Sitemap URL: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Please note that this will add the attachment page URLs to the sitemap, not direct image URLs." msgstr "" msgid "Taxonomies:" msgstr "" #. translators: Taxonomy singular label msgid "your product %s pages" msgstr "" #. translators: Taxonomy singular label msgid "%s archives" msgstr "" msgid "Exclude this attachment from sitemap" msgstr "" #. translators: the placeholder is for the sitemap base url. msgid "Since you are using an NGINX server, you may need to add the following code to your %s if your Sitemap pages are not loading. If you are unsure how to do it, please contact your hosting provider." msgstr "" msgid "configuration file" msgstr "" msgid "Click here to see the code." msgstr "" msgid "I already added" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the post type name. msgid "Rank Math has detected a new post type: %1$s. You may want to check the settings of the Titles & Meta page and the Sitemap." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the post type names separated with commas. msgid "Rank Math has detected new post types: %1$s. You may want to check the settings of the Titles & Meta page and the Sitemap." msgstr "" #. translators: 1. separator, 2. blogname msgid "XML Sitemap %1$s %2$s" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. separator, 2. blogname msgid "Locations Sitemap %1$s %2$s" msgstr "" msgid "KML File" msgstr "" #. translators: link to rankmath.com msgid "This KML File is generated by Rank Math WordPress SEO Plugin. It is used to provide location information to Google." msgstr "" #. translators: link to rankmath.com msgid "Learn more about KML File." msgstr "" #. translators: xsl value count msgid "← Sitemap Index" msgstr "" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgid "Address" msgstr "" msgid "Phone number" msgstr "" msgid "Latitude" msgstr "" msgid "Longitude" msgstr "" msgid "XML Sitemap" msgstr "" #. translators: link to rankmath.com msgid "This XML Sitemap is generated by Rank Math WordPress SEO Plugin. It is what search engines like Google use to crawl and re-crawl posts/pages/products/images/archives on your website." msgstr "" #. translators: link to rankmath.com msgid "Learn more about XML Sitemaps." msgstr "" #. translators: xsl value count msgid "This XML Sitemap Index file contains %s sitemaps." msgstr "" msgid "Last Modified" msgstr "" #. translators: xsl value count msgid "This XML Sitemap contains %s URLs." msgstr "" msgid "URL" msgstr "" msgid "Last Mod." msgstr "" msgid "Error Log" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is a link to WP_DEBUG documentation. msgid "If you have %s enabled, errors will be stored in a log file. Here you can find the last 100 lines in reversed order so that you or the Rank Math support team can view it easily. The file cannot be edited here." msgstr "" msgid "Copy Log to Clipboard" msgstr "" msgid "Copied!" msgstr "" msgid "The error log cannot be retrieved." msgstr "" msgid "The error log cannot be retrieved: Error log file is too large." msgstr "" msgid "Status & Tools" msgstr "" msgid "System Status" msgstr "" msgid "System Info" msgstr "" msgid "Copy System Info to Clipboard" msgstr "" msgid "Version" msgstr "" msgid "Database version" msgstr "" msgid "Plugin subscription plan" msgstr "" msgid "Free" msgstr "" msgid "Active modules" msgstr "" msgid "(none)" msgstr "" msgid "Google Refresh token" msgstr "" msgid "No token" msgstr "" msgid "Token exists" msgstr "" msgid "Google Permission" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: 404 Log" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Redirection" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Redirection Cache" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Internal Link" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Internal Link Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Google Search Console" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Flat Posts" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Google Analytics" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Google AdSense" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Keyword Manager" msgstr "" msgid "Database Table: Inspections" msgstr "" msgid "Not found" msgstr "" msgid "This update will install a beta version of Rank Math." msgstr "" msgid "Rollback Plugin" msgstr "" msgid "Plugin rollback successful." msgstr "" msgid "Installing the rollback version…" msgstr "" #. translators: Placeholder is version number. msgid "Are you sure you want to install version %s?" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Choose how you want Rank Math to handle your WooCommerce SEO. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Product's price." msgstr "" msgid "Product's price of the current product" msgstr "" msgid "Product's SKU." msgstr "" msgid "Product's SKU of the current product" msgstr "" msgid "Product's short description." msgstr "" msgid "Product's short description of the current product" msgstr "" msgid "Product's brand." msgstr "" msgid "Product's brand of the current product" msgstr "" msgid "Enable breadcrumbs function" msgstr "" msgid "Turning off breadcrumbs will hide breadcrumbs inserted in template files too." msgstr "" #. translators: Code to add support for Rank Math Breadcrumbs. msgid "This option cannot be changed since your theme has added the support for Rank Math Breadcrumbs using: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Separator character or string that appears between breadcrumb items." msgstr "" msgid "Show Homepage Link" msgstr "" msgid "Display homepage breadcrumb in trail." msgstr "" msgid "Homepage label" msgstr "" msgid "Label used for homepage link (first item) in breadcrumbs." msgstr "" msgid "Homepage Link" msgstr "" msgid "Link to use for homepage (first item) in breadcrumbs." msgstr "" msgid "Prefix Breadcrumb" msgstr "" msgid "Prefix for the breadcrumb path." msgstr "" msgid "Archive Format" msgstr "" msgid "Format the label used for archive pages." msgstr "" msgid "Search Results Format" msgstr "" msgid "Format the label used for search results pages." msgstr "" msgid "404 label" msgstr "" msgid "Label used for 404 error item in breadcrumbs." msgstr "" msgid "Hide Post Title" msgstr "" msgid "Hide Post title from Breadcrumb." msgstr "" msgid "Show Category(s)" msgstr "" msgid "If category is a child category, show all ancestor categories." msgstr "" msgid "Hide Taxonomy Name" msgstr "" msgid "Hide Taxonomy Name from Breadcrumb." msgstr "" msgid "Show Blog Page" msgstr "" msgid "Show Blog Page in Breadcrumb." msgstr "" msgid ".htaccess file not found." msgstr "" msgid "I understand the risks and I want to edit the file" msgstr "" msgid "Be careful when editing the htaccess file, it is easy to make mistakes and break your site. If that happens, you can restore the file to its state before the last edit by replacing the htaccess file with the backup copy created by Rank Math in the same directory (.htaccess_back_xxxxxx) using an FTP client." msgstr "" msgid ".htaccess file is not writable." msgstr "" msgid "Strip Category Base" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Remove /category/ from category archive URLs. %s
E.g. example.com/category/my-category/ becomes example.com/my-category" msgstr "" msgid "Why do this?" msgstr "" #. translators: Redirection page url msgid "Redirection Manager" msgstr "" msgid "Redirections Manager" msgstr "" msgid "Please enable Redirections module." msgstr "" msgid "Redirect Attachments" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to kb article msgid "Redirect all attachment page URLs to the post they appear in. For more advanced redirection control, use the built-in %s." msgstr "" msgid "Redirect Orphan Attachments" msgstr "" msgid "Redirect attachments without a parent post to this URL. Leave empty for no redirection." msgstr "" msgid "Nofollow Image File Links" msgstr "" msgid "Automatically add rel=\"nofollow\" attribute for links pointing to external image files. The attribute is dynamically applied when the content is displayed, and the stored content is not changed." msgstr "" msgid "Nofollow Domains" msgstr "" msgid "Only add nofollow attribute for the link if target domain is in this list. Add one per line. Leave empty to apply nofollow for ALL external domains." msgstr "" msgid "Nofollow Exclude Domains" msgstr "" msgid "The nofollow attribute will not be added for the link if target domain is in this list. Add one per line." msgstr "" msgid "Automatically add target=\"_blank\" attribute for external links appearing in your posts, pages, and other post types to make them open in a new browser tab or window. The attribute is dynamically applied when the content is displayed, and the stored content is not changed." msgstr "" msgid "Headless CMS Support" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is a link to "Read more". msgid "Enable this option to register a REST API endpoint that returns the HTML meta tags for a given URL. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Read more" msgstr "" msgid "Show SEO Score to Visitors" msgstr "" msgid "Proudly display the calculated SEO Score as a badge on the front end. It can be disabled for specific posts in the post editor." msgstr "" msgid "SEO Score Post Types" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Score Template" msgstr "" msgid "Change the styling for the front end SEO score badge." msgstr "" msgid "Circle" msgstr "" msgid "Square" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Score Position" msgstr "" #. translators: 1.SEO Score Shortcode 2. SEO Score function msgid "Display the badges automatically, or insert the %1$s shortcode in your posts and the %2$s template tag in your theme template files." msgstr "" msgid "Below Content" msgstr "" msgid "Above Content" msgstr "" msgid "Above & Below Content" msgstr "" msgid "Custom (use shortcode)" msgstr "" msgid "Support Us with a Link" msgstr "" #. translators: %s is the word "nofollow" code tag and second one for the filter link msgid "If you are showing the SEO scores on the front end, this option will insert a %1$s backlink to RankMath.com to show your support. You can change the link & the text by using this %2$s." msgstr "" msgid "filter" msgstr "" msgid "RSS Before Content" msgstr "" msgid "Add content before each post in your site feeds." msgstr "" msgid "RSS After Content" msgstr "" msgid "Add content after each post in your site feeds." msgstr "" msgid "Available variables" msgstr "" msgid "Variable" msgstr "" msgid "A link to the archive for the post author, with the authors name as anchor text." msgstr "" msgid "A link to the post, with the title as anchor text." msgstr "" msgid "A link to your site, with your site's name as anchor text." msgstr "" msgid "A link to your site, with your site's name and description as anchor text." msgstr "" msgid "Featured image of the article." msgstr "" msgid "Google Search Console" msgstr "" #. translators: Google Search Console Link msgid "Enter your Google Search Console verification HTML code or ID. Learn how to get it: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Search Console Verification Page" msgstr "" msgid "Bing Webmaster Tools" msgstr "" #. translators: Bing webmaster link msgid "Enter your Bing Webmaster Tools verification HTML code or ID. Get it here: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Bing Webmaster Verification Page" msgstr "" msgid "Baidu Webmaster Tools" msgstr "" #. translators: Baidu webmaster link msgid "Enter your Baidu Webmaster Tools verification HTML code or ID. Learn how to get it: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Yandex Verification ID" msgstr "" #. translators: Yandex webmaster link msgid "Enter your Yandex verification HTML code or ID. Learn how to get it: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Yandex.Webmaster Page" msgstr "" msgid "Pinterest Verification ID" msgstr "" #. translators: Pinterest webmaster link msgid "Enter your Pinterest verification HTML code or ID. Learn how to get it: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Pinterest Account" msgstr "" msgid "Norton Safe Web Verification ID" msgstr "" #. translators: Norton webmaster link msgid "Enter your Norton Safe Web verification HTML code or ID. Learn how to get it: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Norton Ownership Verification Page" msgstr "" msgid "Author Archives" msgstr "" msgid "Enables or disables Author Archives. If disabled, the Author Archives are redirected to your homepage. To avoid duplicate content issues, noindex author archives if you keep them enabled." msgstr "" msgid "Disabled" msgstr "" msgid "Enabled" msgstr "" msgid "Author Base" msgstr "" msgid "Change the /author/ part in author archive URLs." msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Author Robots Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Select custom robots meta for author page, such as nofollow, noarchive, etc. Otherwise the default meta will be used, as set in the Global Meta tab." msgstr "" msgid "Default" msgstr "" msgid "Custom" msgstr "" msgid "Custom values for robots meta tag on author page." msgstr "" msgid "Author Advanced Robots" msgstr "" msgid "Author Archive Title" msgstr "" msgid "Title tag on author archives. SEO options for specific authors can be set with the meta box available in the user profiles." msgstr "" msgid "Author Archive Description" msgstr "" msgid "Author archive meta description. SEO options for specific author archives can be set with the meta box in the user profiles." msgstr "" msgid "Slack Enhanced Sharing" msgstr "" msgid "When the option is enabled and an author archive is shared on Slack, additional information will be shown (name & total number of posts)." msgstr "" msgid "Add SEO Controls" msgstr "" msgid "Add SEO Controls for user profile pages. Access to the Meta Box can be fine tuned with code, using a special filter hook." msgstr "" msgid "Robots Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Default values for robots meta tag. These can be changed for individual posts, taxonomies, etc." msgstr "" msgid "Advanced Robots Meta" msgstr "" msgid "You can use the separator character in titles by inserting %separator% or %sep% in the title fields." msgstr "" msgid "Rewrite Titles" msgstr "" msgid "Your current theme doesn't support title-tag. Enable this option to rewrite page, post, category, search and archive page titles." msgstr "" msgid "Capitalize Titles" msgstr "" msgid "Automatically capitalize the first character of each word in the titles." msgstr "" msgid "OpenGraph Thumbnail" msgstr "" msgid "When a featured image or an OpenGraph Image is not set for individual posts/pages/CPTs, this image will be used as a fallback thumbnail when your post is shared on Facebook. The recommended image size is 1200 x 630 pixels." msgstr "" msgid "Twitter Card Type" msgstr "" msgid "Card type selected when creating a new post. This will also be applied for posts without a card type selected." msgstr "" msgid "Summary Card with Large Image" msgstr "" msgid "Summary Card" msgstr "" #. translators: something msgid "Static page is set as the front page (WP Dashboard > Settings > Reading). To add SEO title, description, and meta for the homepage, please click here: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Edit Page: " msgstr "" msgid "Homepage Title" msgstr "" msgid "Homepage title tag." msgstr "" msgid "Homepage Meta Description" msgstr "" msgid "Homepage meta description." msgstr "" msgid "Homepage Robots Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Select custom robots meta for homepage, such as nofollow, noarchive, etc. Otherwise the default meta will be used, as set in the Global Meta tab." msgstr "" msgid "Custom values for robots meta tag on homepage." msgstr "" msgid "Homepage Advanced Robots" msgstr "" msgid "Homepage Title for Facebook" msgstr "" msgid "Title of your site when shared on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks." msgstr "" msgid "Homepage Description for Facebook" msgstr "" msgid "Description of your site when shared on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks." msgstr "" msgid "Homepage Thumbnail for Facebook" msgstr "" msgid "Image displayed when your homepage is shared on Facebook and other social networks. Use images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices." msgstr "" msgid "Person or Company" msgstr "" msgid "Organization" msgstr "" msgid "Choose whether the site represents a person or an organization." msgstr "" msgid "Logo" msgstr "" msgid "Min Size: 112Χ112px.
A squared image is preferred by the search engines." msgstr "" msgid "URL of the item." msgstr "" msgid "Date Archives" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is an example URL. msgid "Enable or disable the date archives (e.g: %s). If this option is disabled, the date archives will be redirected to the homepage." msgstr "" msgid "Date Archive Title" msgstr "" msgid "Title tag on day/month/year based archives." msgstr "" msgid "Date Archive Description" msgstr "" msgid "Date archive description." msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Date Robots Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Custom values for robots meta tag on date page." msgstr "" msgid "Date Advanced Robots" msgstr "" msgid "404 Title" msgstr "" msgid "Title tag on 404 Not Found error page." msgstr "" msgid "Search Results Title" msgstr "" msgid "Title tag on search results page." msgstr "" msgid "Noindex Search Results" msgstr "" msgid "Prevent search results pages from getting indexed by search engines. Search results could be considered to be thin content and prone to duplicate content issues." msgstr "" msgid "Noindex Subpages" msgstr "" msgid "Prevent all paginated pages from getting indexed by search engines." msgstr "" msgid "Noindex Paginated Single Pages" msgstr "" msgid "Prevent paginated pages of single pages and posts to show up in the search results. This also applies for the Blog page." msgstr "" msgid "Noindex Password Protected Pages" msgstr "" msgid "Prevent password protected pages & posts from getting indexed by search engines." msgstr "" #. translators: The settings page link msgid "To configure meta tags for your media attachment pages, you need to first %s to parent." msgstr "" msgid "disable redirect attachments" msgstr "" #. translators: Post type name. msgid "When the option is enabled and a %s is shared on Slack, additional information will be shown (estimated time to read and author)." msgstr "" msgid "When the option is enabled and a product is shared on Slack, additional information will be shown (price)." msgstr "" msgid "When the option is enabled and a product is shared on Slack, additional information will be shown (price & availability)." msgstr "" msgid "When the option is enabled and a page is shared on Slack, additional information will be shown (estimated time to read)." msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Single %s Title" msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Default title tag for single %s pages. This can be changed on a per-post basis on the post editor screen." msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Single %s Description" msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Default description for single %s pages. This can be changed on a per-post basis on the post editor screen." msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "%s Archive Title" msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Title for %s archive pages." msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "%s Archive Description" msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Description for %s archive pages." msgstr "" #. translators: %s is "Article" inside a tag. msgid "Default rich snippet selected when creating a new post of this type. If %s is selected, it will be applied for all existing posts with no Schema selected." msgstr "" msgctxt "Schema type name in a field description" msgid "Article" msgstr "" msgid "Headline" msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "%s Robots Meta" msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Select custom robots meta, such as nofollow, noarchive, etc. for single %s pages. Otherwise the default meta will be used, as set in the Global Meta tab." msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Custom values for robots meta tag on %s." msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "%s Advanced Robots Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Enable Link Suggestions meta box for this post type, along with the Pillar Content feature." msgstr "" msgid "Link Suggestion Titles" msgstr "" msgid "Use the Focus Keyword as the default text for the links instead of the post titles." msgstr "" msgid "Titles" msgstr "" msgid "Primary Taxonomy" msgstr "" #. translators: post type name msgid "Choose which taxonomy you want to use with the Primary Term feature. This will also be the taxonomy shown in the Breadcrumbs when a single %1$s is being viewed." msgstr "" msgid "Thumbnail for Facebook" msgstr "" msgid "Image displayed when your page is shared on Facebook and other social networks. Use images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices." msgstr "" msgid "Add SEO controls for the editor screen to customize SEO options for posts in this post type." msgstr "" msgid "Bulk Editing" msgstr "" msgid "Add bulk editing columns to the post listing screen." msgstr "" msgid "Read Only" msgstr "" msgid "Custom Fields" msgstr "" msgid "List of custom fields name to include in the Page analysis. Add one per line." msgstr "" msgid "Facebook Page URL" msgstr "" msgid "Enter your complete Facebook page URL here. eg:" msgstr "" msgid "Facebook Authorship" msgstr "" msgid "Insert personal Facebook profile URL to show Facebook Authorship when your articles are being shared on Facebook. eg:" msgstr "" msgid "Facebook Admin" msgstr "" #. translators: numeric user ID link msgid "Enter %s. Use a comma to separate multiple IDs. Alternatively, you can enter an app ID below." msgstr "" msgid "Facebook App" msgstr "" #. translators: numeric app ID link msgid "Enter %s. Alternatively, you can enter a user ID above." msgstr "" msgid "Facebook Secret" msgstr "" #. translators: Learn more link msgid "Enter alphanumeric secret ID. %s." msgstr "" msgid "Twitter Username" msgstr "" msgid "Enter the Twitter username of the author to add twitter:creator tag to posts. eg: RankMathSEO" msgstr "" #. translators: taxonomy name msgid "%s Archive Titles" msgstr "" #. translators: taxonomy name msgid "Title tag for %s archives" msgstr "" #. translators: taxonomy name msgid "%s Archive Descriptions" msgstr "" #. translators: taxonomy name msgid "Description for %s archives" msgstr "" #. translators: taxonomy name msgid "%s Archives Robots Meta" msgstr "" #. translators: taxonomy name msgid "Select custom robots meta, such as nofollow, noarchive, etc. for %s archive pages. Otherwise the default meta will be used, as set in the Global Meta tab." msgstr "" #. translators: taxonomy name msgid "Custom values for robots meta tag on %s archives." msgstr "" #. translators: taxonomy name msgid "%s Archives Advanced Robots Meta" msgstr "" msgid "When the option is enabled and a term from this taxonomy is shared on Slack, additional information will be shown (the total number of items with this term)." msgstr "" msgid "Add the SEO Controls for the term editor screen to customize SEO options for individual terms in this taxonomy." msgstr "" msgid "Remove Snippet Data" msgstr "" #. translators: taxonomy name msgid "Remove schema data from %s." msgstr "" msgid "Create Backup" msgstr "" msgid "Settings Backup" msgstr "" msgid "Take a backup of your plugin settings in case you wish to restore them in future. Use it as backup before making substantial changes to Rank Math settings. For taking a backup of the SEO data of your content, use the XML Export option." msgstr "" msgid "There is no backup." msgstr "" msgid "Plugin Settings" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to learn about import export panel KB article msgid "Import or export your Rank Math settings, This option is useful for replicating Rank Math settings across multiple websites. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Learn more about the Import/Export options." msgstr "" msgid "Export Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Settings File" msgstr "" msgid "Please select a file to import." msgstr "" msgid "Import settings by locating settings file and clicking \"Import settings\"." msgstr "" msgid "Titles & Metas" msgstr "" msgid "Role Manager Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Choose the panels to export." msgstr "" msgid "Other Plugins" msgstr "" #. translators: Link to learn about import export panel KB article msgid "If you were using another plugin to add important SEO information to your website before switching to Rank Math SEO, you can import the settings and data here. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Calculate SEO Scores" msgstr "" msgid "Clean" msgstr "" msgid "No plugin detected with importable data." msgstr "" msgid "Your website is compatible to run Rank Math SEO" msgstr "" msgid "More" msgstr "" msgid "Less" msgstr "" #. translators: php version msgid "Your PHP Version: %s | Recommended version: 7.4 | Minimal required: 7.2" msgstr "" msgid "Your PHP Version: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Recommended: PHP 7.4 or later" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math is compatible with your PHP version but we recommend updating to PHP 7.4 for increased speed and security." msgstr "" msgid "More information" msgstr "" msgid "This plugin is compatible with your PHP version but we recommend updating to PHP 7.4 for increased speed and security." msgstr "" msgid "You are using the recommended WordPress version." msgstr "" msgid "PHP DOM Extension installed" msgstr "" msgid "PHP DOM Extension missing" msgstr "" msgid "PHP SimpleXML Extension installed" msgstr "" msgid "PHP SimpleXML Extension missing" msgstr "" msgid "PHP GD or Imagick Extension installed" msgstr "" msgid "PHP GD or Imagick Extension missing" msgstr "" msgid "PHP MBstring Extension installed" msgstr "" msgid "PHP MBstring Extension missing" msgstr "" msgid "PHP OpenSSL Extension installed" msgstr "" msgid "PHP OpenSSL Extension missing" msgstr "" msgid "Base64 encode & decode functions available" msgstr "" msgid "Base64 encode & decode functions missing" msgstr "" msgid "Please resolve the issues above to be able to use all features of Rank Math plugin. If you are not sure how to do it, please contact your hosting provider." msgstr "" msgid "Please resolve the issues above to be able to use all SEO features. If you are not sure how to do it, please contact your hosting provider." msgstr "" msgid "Your server is correctly configured to use Rank Math." msgstr "" msgid "Your server is correctly configured to use this plugin." msgstr "" msgid "No known conflicting plugins found." msgstr "" msgid "The following active plugins on your site may cause conflict issues when used alongside Rank Math: " msgstr "" msgid "The following active plugins on your site may cause conflict issues when used alongside this plugin: " msgstr "" msgid "You can import settings in the next step." msgstr "" msgid "Deactivate Plugin" msgstr "" msgid "Start Wizard" msgstr "" msgid "Connect Google Services" msgstr "" msgid "Benefits of Connecting Google Account" msgstr "" msgid "Verify site ownership on Google Search Console in a single click" msgstr "" msgid "Track page and keyword rankings with the Advanced Analytics module" msgstr "" msgid "Easily set up Google Analytics without using another 3rd party plugin" msgstr "" msgid "Automatically submit sitemaps to the Google Search Console" msgstr "" msgid "Learn more about the benefits of connecting your account here." msgstr "" msgid "We do not store any of the data from your Google account on our servers, everything is processed & stored on your server. We take your privacy extremely seriously and ensure it is never misused. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Setup Wizard - Rank Math" msgstr "" msgid "Connect Your Rank Math Account" msgstr "" msgid "Benefits of Connecting Rank Math Account" msgstr "" msgid "Free keyword suggestions when entering a focus keyword" msgstr "" msgid "Use our revolutionary SEO Analyzer to scan your website for SEO errors" msgstr "" msgid "Your site is ready!" msgstr "" msgid "Enable auto update of the plugin" msgstr "" msgid "Your site is now optimized." msgstr "" msgid "Proceed to Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel" msgstr "" msgid "Know more about the PRO version" msgstr "" msgid "Join FREE Facebook Group" msgstr "" msgid "Get 24x7 Support" msgstr "" msgid "Proceed to Help Page" msgstr "" msgid "Setup Advanced Options" msgstr "" msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "" msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "" msgid "Site" msgstr "" msgid "Enable the Index Status tab" msgstr "" msgid "Enable this option to show the Index Status tab in the Analytics module." msgstr "" #. translators: GA4 KB link msgid "Ready to switch to Google Analytics 4? %s" msgstr "" msgid "Click here to know how" msgstr "" msgid "Property" msgstr "" msgid "Data Stream" msgstr "" msgid "Install analytics code" msgstr "" msgid "Enable this option only if you are not using any other plugin/theme to install Google Analytics code." msgstr "" msgid "Anonymize IP addresses" msgstr "" msgid "Self-Hosted Analytics JS File" msgstr "" msgid "Exclude Logged-in users" msgstr "" msgid "AdSense" msgstr "" msgid "Google AdSense support is only available in Rank Math Pro's Advanced Analytics module." msgstr "" msgid "Email Reports" msgstr "" msgid "Receive Analytics reports periodically in email." msgstr "" msgid "Learn more about Email Reports." msgstr "" #. translators: sitename msgid "Your Website: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Let us know a few things about your site…" msgstr "" #. translators: help link msgid "If you are new to Rank Math, %s to learn more." msgstr "" msgid "Setup Tutorial" msgstr "" msgid "Knowledge Base" msgstr "" msgid "Click here to learn how to setup Rank Math properly" msgstr "" msgid "Search the Knowledge Base for answers to your questions:" msgstr "" msgid "Type here to search..." msgstr "" msgid "Hovering over a row in the list will display action links that allow you to manage the item. You can perform the following actions:" msgstr "" msgid "View Details shows details about the 404 requests." msgstr "" msgid "Redirect takes you to the Redirections manager to redirect the 404 URL." msgstr "" msgid "Delete permanently removes the item from the list." msgstr "" msgid "You can also redirect or delete multiple items at once. Selecting multiple items to redirect allows you to redirect them to a single URL." msgstr "" msgid "With the 404 monitor you can see where users and search engines are unable to find your content." msgstr "" msgid "Knowledge Base Articles:" msgstr "" msgid "404 Monitor Settings" msgstr "" msgid "Fix 404 Errors" msgstr "" msgid "You can customize the display of this screen's contents in a number of ways:" msgstr "" msgid "You can hide/display columns based on your needs." msgstr "" msgid "You can decide how many items to list per screen using the Screen Options tab." msgstr "" msgid "You can search items using the search form at the top." msgstr "" msgid "You can reorder the list by clicking on the column headings. " msgstr "" msgid "If you have hundreds of 404 errors, your error log might increase quickly. Only choose this option if you have a very few 404s and are unable to replicate the 404 error on a particular URL from your end." msgstr "" msgid "Mode" msgstr "" msgid "The Simple mode only logs URI and access time, while the Advanced mode creates detailed logs including additional information such as the Referer URL." msgstr "" msgid "Simple" msgstr "" msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" msgid "Log Limit" msgstr "" msgid "Sets the max number of rows in a log. Set to 0 to disable the limit." msgstr "" msgid "Exclude Paths" msgstr "" msgid "Enter URIs or keywords you wish to prevent from getting logged by the 404 monitor." msgstr "" msgid "Ignore Query Parameters" msgstr "" msgid "Turn ON to ignore all query parameters (the part after a question mark in a URL) when logging 404 errors." msgstr "" msgid "Given" msgstr "" msgid "Not Given" msgstr "" msgid "Warning:" msgstr "" msgid "You have not given the permission to fetch this data. Please reconnect with all required permissions." msgstr "" #. translators: reconnect link msgid "There is a problem with the Google auth token. Please reconnect your app" msgstr "" msgid "Bad request. Please check the code." msgstr "" msgid "Unknown error, call get_response() to find out what happened." msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, no preference found." msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, no post id found." msgstr "" #. translators: number of days msgid "Storage Days: %s" msgstr "" #. translators: number of rows msgid "Data Rows: %s" msgstr "" #. translators: database size msgid "Size: %s" msgstr "" #. translators: date msgid "Next data fetch on %s" msgstr "" msgid "Delete data" msgstr "" msgid "Update data manually" msgstr "" msgid "Fetching in Progress" msgstr "" msgid "Cancel Fetching" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is a link to rankmath.com, with "free version" as the anchor text. msgid "Enter the number of days to keep Analytics data in your database. The maximum allowed days are 90 in the %s. Though, 2x data will be stored in the DB for calculating the difference properly." msgstr "" msgid "free version" msgstr "" msgid "Analytics Database" msgstr "" msgid "Frontend Stats Bar" msgstr "" msgid "Enable this option to show Analytics Stats on the front just after the admin bar." msgstr "" #. translators: Placeholders are the opening and closing tag for the link. msgid "Receive periodic SEO Performance reports via email. Once enabled and options are saved, you can see %1$s the preview here%2$s." msgstr "" msgid "Turn on email reports." msgstr "" msgid "Email Frequency" msgstr "" msgid "Email report frequency." msgstr "" msgid "Every 30 days" msgstr "" msgid "Group Title" msgstr "" msgid "Title tag for groups" msgstr "" msgid "Group Description" msgstr "" msgid "BuddyPress group description" msgstr "" msgid "Group Robots Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Select custom robots meta for Group archive pages. Otherwise the default meta will be used, as set in the Global Meta tab." msgstr "" msgid "Custom values for robots meta tag on groups page." msgstr "" msgid "Group Advanced Robots Meta" msgstr "" msgid "Default Country" msgstr "" msgid "Select Post Type" msgstr "" msgid "Select the post type you use for Content AI." msgstr "" msgid "Click to refresh the available credits." msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Credits left 2. Buy more credits link msgid "%1$s credits left. Upgrade to get more credits from %2$s." msgstr "" msgid "here" msgstr "" msgid "Insert URLs to send to the IndexNow API (one per line, up to 10,000):" msgstr "" msgctxt "URL slug placeholder" msgid "hello-world" msgstr "" msgid "Clear History" msgstr "" msgid "Manual" msgstr "" msgid "Auto" msgstr "" msgid "Time" msgstr "" msgid "Response" msgstr "" msgid "Response Code Help" msgstr "" msgid "Response Code" msgstr "" msgid "Response Message" msgstr "" msgid "Reasons" msgstr "" msgid "The URL was successfully submitted to the IndexNow API." msgstr "" msgid "Accepted" msgstr "" msgid "The URL was successfully submitted to the IndexNow API, but the API key will be checked later." msgstr "" msgid "Bad Request" msgstr "" msgid "The request was invalid." msgstr "" msgid "Forbidden" msgstr "" msgid "The key was invalid (e.g. key not found, file found but key not in the file)." msgstr "" msgid "Unprocessable Entity" msgstr "" msgid "The URLs don't belong to the host or the key is not matching the schema in the protocol." msgstr "" msgid "Too Many Requests" msgstr "" msgid "Too Many Requests (potential Spam)." msgstr "" msgid "Auto-Submit Post Types" msgstr "" msgid "Submit posts from these post types automatically to the IndexNow API when a post is published, updated, or trashed." msgstr "" msgid "API Key" msgstr "" msgid "The IndexNow API key proves the ownership of the site. It is generated automatically. You can change the key if it becomes known to third parties." msgstr "" msgid "Change Key" msgstr "" msgid "API Key Location" msgstr "" msgid "Check Key" msgstr "" #. translators: %s is the words "Check Key". msgid "Use the %1$s button to verify that the key is accessible for search engines. Clicking on it should open the key file in your browser and show the API key." msgstr "" msgid "Email" msgstr "" msgid "Search engines display your email address." msgstr "" msgid "Phone" msgstr "" msgid "Search engines may prominently display your contact phone number for mobile users." msgstr "" msgid "Address Format" msgstr "" msgid "Format used when the address is displayed using the [rank_math_contact_info] shortcode.
Available Tags: {address}, {locality}, {region}, {postalcode}, {country}, {gps}" msgstr "" msgid "Opening Hours Format" msgstr "" msgid "Time format used in the contact shortcode." msgstr "" msgid "Select opening hours. You can add multiple sets if you have different opening or closing hours on some days or if you have a mid-day break. Times are specified using 24:00 time." msgstr "" msgid "Add time" msgstr "" msgid "Monday" msgstr "" msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "" msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "" msgid "Thursday" msgstr "" msgid "Friday" msgstr "" msgid "Saturday" msgstr "" msgid "Sunday" msgstr "" msgid "e.g. 09:00-17:00" msgstr "" msgid "Phone Number" msgstr "" msgid "Add number" msgstr "" msgid "Format: +1-401-555-1212" msgstr "" msgid "Price Range" msgstr "" msgid "The price range of the business, for example $$$." msgstr "" msgid "Select Page" msgstr "" msgid "About Page" msgstr "" msgid "Select a page on your site where you want to show the LocalBusiness meta data." msgstr "" msgid "Contact Page" msgstr "" msgid "Google Maps API Key" msgstr "" #. translators: %s expands to "Google Maps Embed API" https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/ msgid "An API Key is required to display embedded Google Maps on your site. Get it here: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Google Maps Embed API" msgstr "" msgid "Geo Coordinates" msgstr "" msgid "Latitude and longitude values separated by comma." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is a link to the Pro version msgid "Multiple Locations are available in the %s." msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math SEO Redirection Debugger" msgstr "" msgid "Redirection Debugger" msgstr "" msgid "Redirecting from " msgstr "" msgid " To " msgstr "" #. translators: countdown seconds msgid "Redirecting in %s seconds..." msgstr "" msgid "Stop Redirection" msgstr "" msgid "Continue redirecting" msgstr "" msgid "Manage This Redirection" msgstr "" msgid "or" msgstr "" msgid "Manage All Redirections" msgstr "" msgid "Note: This interstitial page is displayed only to administrators. Site visitors are redirected without delay." msgstr "" msgid "Served from cache" msgstr "" msgid "Edit redirection details: from/to URLs and the redirection type." msgstr "" msgid "Activate/Deactivate redirections. Deactivated redirections do not take effect on your site." msgstr "" msgid "Delete permanently removes the redirection." msgstr "" msgid "You can also activate, deactivate, or delete multiple items at once using the Bulk Actions dropdown." msgstr "" msgid "Here you can set up custom redirections. It is important to choose the right type of redirection." msgstr "" msgid "301 redirections are permanent. The old URL will be removed in search engines and replaced by the new one, passing on SearchRank and other SEO scores. Browsers may also store the new URL in cache and redirect to it even after the redirection is deleted from the list here." msgstr "" msgid "Using a 302 temporary redirection is useful when you want to test a new page for client feedback temporarily without affecting the SEO scores of the original page." msgstr "" msgid "Redirections can be exported to your .htaccess file for faster redirections, in SEO > Settings > Import/Export." msgstr "" msgid "Debug Redirections" msgstr "" msgid "Display the Debug Console instead of being redirected. Administrators only." msgstr "" msgid "Fallback Behavior" msgstr "" msgid "If nothing similar is found, this behavior will be applied. Note: If the requested URL ends with /login, /admin, or /dashboard, WordPress will automatically redirect to respective locations within the WordPress admin area." msgstr "" msgid "Default 404" msgstr "" msgid "Redirect to Homepage" msgstr "" msgid "Custom Redirection" msgstr "" msgid "Custom Url " msgstr "" msgid "Auto Post Redirect" msgstr "" msgid "Extend the functionality of WordPress by creating redirects in our plugin when you change the slug of a post, page, category or a CPT. You can modify the redirection further according to your needs." msgstr "" #. translators: %s is a Learn More link to the documentation. msgid "Control which user has access to which options of Rank Math. %s" msgstr "" msgid "Reset" msgstr "" msgid "Update Capabilities" msgstr "" msgid "Toggle All" msgstr "" #. translators: %d is the number of days. msgid "%d day" msgid_plural "%d days" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. translators: %d is the number of hours. msgid "%d hour" msgid_plural "%d hours" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. translators: placeholders are units of time, e.g. '1 hour and 30 minutes' msgid "%1$s and %2$s" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholders are units of time, e.g. '1 day, 8 hours and 30 minutes' msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s" msgstr "" msgid "Total Time:" msgstr "" msgid "Author" msgstr "" msgid "Edition" msgstr "" msgid "Url" msgstr "" msgid "ISBN" msgstr "" msgid "Format" msgstr "" msgid "Course Provider" msgstr "" msgid "Course Provider Name" msgstr "" msgid "Course Provider URL" msgstr "" msgid "Online + Offline" msgstr "" msgid "Event Type" msgstr "" msgid "Event Attendance Mode" msgstr "" msgid "Event Status" msgstr "" msgid "Venue Name" msgstr "" msgid "Venue URL" msgstr "" msgid "Online Event URL" msgstr "" msgid "Performer" msgstr "" msgid "Performer Name" msgstr "" msgid "Performer URL" msgstr "" msgid "Start Date" msgstr "" msgid "End Date" msgstr "" msgid "Ticket URL" msgstr "" msgid "Entry Price" msgstr "" msgid "Currency" msgstr "" msgid "Availability" msgstr "" msgid "Availability Starts" msgstr "" msgid "Stock Inventory" msgstr "" msgid "Salary" msgstr "" msgid "Salary Currency" msgstr "" msgid "Payroll" msgstr "" msgid "Date Posted" msgstr "" msgid "Expiry Posted" msgstr "" msgid "Unpublish when expired" msgstr "" msgid "Employment Type " msgstr "" msgid "Hiring Organization " msgstr "" msgid "Gender" msgstr "" msgid "Job Title" msgstr "" msgid "Product SKU" msgstr "" msgid "Product Brand" msgstr "" msgid "Product Currency" msgstr "" msgid "Product Price" msgstr "" msgid "Price Valid Until" msgstr "" msgid "Product In-Stock" msgstr "" msgid "Cuisine" msgstr "" msgid "Keywords" msgstr "" msgid "Recipe Yield" msgstr "" msgid "Preparation Time" msgstr "" msgid "Cooking Time" msgstr "" msgid "Total Time" msgstr "" msgid "Recipe Video Name" msgstr "" msgid "Recipe Video Description" msgstr "" msgid "Recipe Video Thumbnail" msgstr "" msgid "Recipe Ingredients" msgstr "" msgid "Recipe Instructions" msgstr "" msgid "Serves Cuisine" msgstr "" msgid "Menu URL" msgstr "" msgid "Service Type" msgstr "" msgid "Price Currency" msgstr "" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgid "Application Category" msgstr "" msgid "Start Site-Wide Analysis" msgstr "" msgid "Analysing Website…" msgstr "" msgid "Selected page: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Change URL" msgstr "" msgid "Start Page Analysis" msgstr "" msgid "Analysing Page…" msgstr "" msgid "Complete" msgstr "" msgid "Passed Tests" msgstr "" msgid "Warnings" msgstr "" msgid "Failed Tests" msgstr "" msgid "What is this?" msgstr "" msgid "Start Analysis Again" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholders are opening and closing tag for link. msgid "Analyze your site by %1$s linking your Rank Math account %2$s" msgstr "" msgid "Include in Sitemap" msgstr "" msgid "Include author archives in the XML sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Include in HTML Sitemap" msgstr "" msgid "Include author archives in the HTML sitemap if it's enabled." msgstr "" msgid "Exclude User Roles" msgstr "" msgid "Selected roles will be excluded in the sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Exclude Users" msgstr "" msgid "Add user IDs, separated by commas, to exclude them from the sitemap." msgstr "" #. translators: hreflang tags documentation link msgid "Rank Math generates the default Sitemaps only and WPML takes care of the rest. When a search engine bot visits any post/page, it is shown hreflang tag that helps it crawl the translated pages. This is one of the recommended methods by Google. Please %s" msgstr "" msgid "read here" msgstr "" msgid "Links Per Sitemap" msgstr "" msgid "Max number of links on each sitemap page." msgstr "" msgid "Images in Sitemaps" msgstr "" msgid "Include reference to images from the post content in sitemaps. This helps search engines index the important images on your pages." msgstr "" msgid "Include Featured Images" msgstr "" msgid "Include the Featured Image too, even if it does not appear directly in the post content." msgstr "" msgid "Exclude Posts" msgstr "" msgid "Enter post IDs of posts you want to exclude from the sitemap, separated by commas. This option **applies** to all posts types including posts, pages, and custom post types." msgstr "" msgid "Exclude Terms" msgstr "" msgid "Add term IDs, separated by comma. This option is applied for all taxonomies." msgstr "" msgid "Ping Search Engines" msgstr "" msgid "Automatically notify Google when a sitemap gets updated." msgstr "" msgid "Enable the HTML sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Display Format" msgstr "" msgid "Choose how you want to display the HTML sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "" msgid "Use this shortcode to display the HTML sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Selected page: " msgstr "" #. translators: link to the selected page msgid "Selected page: %s" msgstr "" msgid "Select the page to display the HTML sitemap. Once the settings are saved, the sitemap will be displayed below the content of the selected page." msgstr "" msgid "Select a page" msgstr "" msgid "Sort By" msgstr "" msgid "Choose how you want to sort the items in the HTML sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Published Date" msgstr "" msgid "Modified Date" msgstr "" msgid "Alphabetical" msgstr "" msgid "Show Dates" msgstr "" msgid "Show published dates for each post & page." msgstr "" msgid "Item Titles" msgstr "" msgid "Show the post/term titles, or the SEO titles in the HTML sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "SEO Titles" msgstr "" msgid "Include this post type in the XML sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Include this post type in the HTML sitemap if it's enabled." msgstr "" msgid "Image Custom Fields" msgstr "" msgid "Insert custom field (post meta) names which contain image URLs to include them in the sitemaps. Add one per line." msgstr "" msgid "Include archive pages for terms of this taxonomy in the XML sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Include archive pages for terms of this taxonomy in the HTML sitemap." msgstr "" msgid "Include Empty Terms" msgstr "" msgid "Include archive pages of terms that have no posts associated." msgstr "" msgid "Auto Update" msgstr "" msgid "Turn on auto-updates to automatically update to stable versions of Rank Math as soon as they are released. The beta versions will never install automatically." msgstr "" msgid "Auto Update Plugin" msgstr "" msgid "When auto-updates are turned off, you can enable update notifications, to send an email to the site administrator when an update is available for Rank Math." msgstr "" msgid "Update Notification Email" msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math will not auto-update because you have rolled back to a previous version. Update to the latest version manually to make this option work again." msgstr "" msgid "Beta Opt-in" msgstr "" msgid "You can take part in shaping Rank Math by test-driving the newest features and letting us know what you think. Turn on the Beta Tester feature to get notified about new beta releases. The beta version will not install automatically and you always have the option to ignore it." msgstr "" #. translators: Warning. msgid "%s It is not recommended to use the beta version on live production sites." msgstr "" msgid "Warning: " msgstr "" msgid "Beta Tester" msgstr "" msgid "Rollback to Previous Version" msgstr "" msgid "If you are facing issues after an update, you can reinstall a previous version with this tool." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is the word "warning". msgid "%s Previous versions may not be secure or stable. Proceed with caution and always create a backup." msgstr "" msgid "Your Version" msgstr "" #. translators: placeholder is "Rolled Back Version:". msgid "%s Auto updates will not work, please update the plugin manually." msgstr "" msgid "Rolled Back Version: " msgstr "" msgid "This is the version you are using on this site." msgstr "" msgid "You are using the latest version of the plugin." msgstr "" msgid "Latest Stable Version" msgstr "" msgid "Update Now" msgstr "" msgid "This is the latest version of the plugin." msgstr "" msgid "Rollback Version" msgstr "" msgid "Roll back to this version." msgstr "" #. translators: Version number. msgid "Install Version %s" msgstr "" msgid "Install Selected Version" msgstr "" msgid "Reinstalling, please wait..." msgstr "" msgid "Remove base" msgstr "" #. translators: 1. Example text 2. Example text msgid "Remove prefix like %1$s from product URL chosen at %2$s" msgstr "" msgid "WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks > Product permalinks Example: default: /product/accessories/action-figures/acme/ - becomes: /accessories/action-figures/acme/" msgstr "" msgid "Remove category base" msgstr "" msgid "Remove prefix from category URL." msgstr "" msgid "default: /product-category/accessories/action-figures/ - changed: /accessories/action-figures/" msgstr "" msgid " Remove parent slugs" msgstr "" msgid "Remove parent slugs from category URL." msgstr "" msgid "default: /product-category/accessories/action-figures/ - changed: /product-category/action-figures/" msgstr "" msgid "Remove Generator Tag" msgstr "" msgid "Remove WooCommerce generator tag from the source code." msgstr "" msgid "Remove Schema Markup on Shop Archives" msgstr "" msgid "Remove Schema Markup Data from WooCommerce Shop archive pages." msgstr "" msgid "Brand" msgstr "" msgid "Select Product Brand Taxonomy to use in Schema.org & OpenGraph markup." msgstr "" msgid "Rank Math PRO" msgstr "" msgid "SEO Report of Your Website" msgstr "" msgid "FULL REPORT" msgstr "" msgid "External Link Icon" msgstr "" msgid "Uh-oh" msgstr "" msgid "It seems that there are no stats to show right now." msgstr "" #. translators: placeholders are anchor opening and closing tags. msgid "If you can see the site data in your Search Console and Analytics accounts, but not here, then %1$s try reconnecting your account %2$s and make sure that the correct properties are selected in the %1$s Analytics Settings%2$s." msgstr "" #. translators: don't translate the variable names between the #hashes#. msgid "Last ###PERIOD_DAYS### Days" msgstr "" msgid "Data Chart" msgstr "" msgid "Top 3 Positions" msgstr "" msgid "4-10 Positions" msgstr "" msgid "11-50 Positions" msgstr ""