=== Shortcode Redirect === Contributors: cartpauj Donate link: http://www.memberpress.com/?aff=20 Tags: page redirect, re direct, redirect, post redirect, permanant, temporary, 307, 301, shortcode, cartpauj Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 5.6 Stable tag: 1.0.02 A super easy way to automatically redirect a user to another page when viewing a post/page on your site. == Description == Shortcode Redirect allows site owners to automatically redirect a user after a chosen amount of seconds when viewing a page or post on the site. The plugin instructions are very simple. Add a shortcode to the post/page that looks like the following `[redirect url='http://somesite.com' sec='3']` the url= part is where you define the URL to redirect the user to and the sec= part is where you define how many seconds to wait before redirecting. = Donate = [If you like this plugin please consider donating](http://www.memberpress.com/?aff=20) = Features = * Works on pages and posts * NO settings or configurations to deal with * Define a URL to redirect the user to * Define how many seconds to wait before re-directing the user. == Installation == 1. Upload 'shortcode-redirect.zip' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Add the shortcode on the pages/posts that you want to redirect. Shortcodes should look like `[redirect url='http://somesite.com' sec='5']` where the url= part is the URL to redirect to, and sec= is the seconds to wait before redirecting the page. 4. Done! == Note == Shortcode redirect should work with older versions of WordPress as well but was not tested with anything older than 2.7 == Frequently Asked Questions == * How do I get rid of the "Please wait while you are being re-directed..." line? - Later I will have an option for this, but for now, just edit the scr.php file and delete line 36 which contains that text then save the file. == Upgrade Notice == n/a == Changelog == = 1.0.02 = * Fixed a low risk security hole = 1.0.01 = * Added output buffer to make text show up in the right place * Added license to main file * Fixed URL bug = 1.0.00 = * Initial release == Screenshots == none